Well Loved, And Finally Happy - Chapter 36 (CCL)

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Right so this was chapter 36 of ccl so... here you go you thirsty degenerates.
Just kidding I'm not a hypocrite. 

Also, can we just take a moment for how difficult it is to write smut without swearing? Appreciate my struggles in bringing you this, please and thank you.

Kink list:
Daddy kink (A LOT OF DADDY KINK. I got a bit carried away, but... It's my book I can do what I want. But, yeah, might not wanna read if it makes you uncomfortable)
Praising kink (A good amount. This is really fluffy smut, as long as you ignore the massive daddy kink)
Degrading kink (literally two sentences.)
Oral fixation at the end, but Dan's already a goner soooo... Also, he's a complete cumdump.
I feel like this goes without saying, but Dan's such a sub in this and I'm kinda proud of myself. I wish I'd written it from his POV or third person, I feel like I don't suit trying to be Phil... Ehh, whatever. Take the smut, children)
All with some wonderful C O N S E N T

Phil's PoV

"Are you awake, baby?" I ask to the (supposedly) sleeping figure cuddling into my chest.

"Yeah, why?" Finally lifting his head, bleary-eyed and brows furrowed in confusion.

"I want a job," I state, voice firm but indecisive.

"What? Where did this come from?"

"I just..." I braced myself, was I ready for this? That doesn't matter he needs to know. "Do you remember when I dropped my phone?"

"Oh, so you want to get money to replace it? I could just buy-"

"No, Dan. Let me explain." He nodded, silently obeying. "There-There was this girl who used to work with my parents. She-she found me and I jumped, dropping my phone. But- then she- She said that she wouldn't tell my parents if I paid her."

"Ph-Phil... How-How much..?"

"One thousand pounds."

"P-Phil I have that in my account, I can just-"

"No, Daniel. I'm doing this for myself, and you have to help me get a job." I ordered strictly, just tired and so fed up of everyone else in the world, so annoyed it couldn't just be us.

He seemed to contemplate for a few moments, and you could see the exact minute it struck him, a fire igniting behind his eyes, even in the darkness of the room, the window only allowing a few rays of moonlight to shine through. "Film a video with me! Oh god, Philly, it's perfect!"

I wanted to say no, to list to him half-truths and lies on why I shouldn't...

But I couldn't.

I couldn't bring myself to drown his excitement, the eyes that were practically sparkling and the dimples that were so perfectly carved into his face. "Ok, then let's sleep, baby."

"But I'm wide awake, and I'm too busy thinking anyways!" He whined, pouting and looking up at me.

"Well then, what are you thinking about love?"

((Alright so the smut is about to start, and it'll probably be the rest of the chapter but idk. I'll let you know when they end up cuddling and it's done!))

"You..." He muttered, blushing so obviously you could tell in the dark room.

"Oh, really? What about me, baby?"

"L-Loving m-m-me..." I began to smirk, I knew where this was going, but I wanted him to say it. Is that bad? I don't think so, he just looks so adorable as a blushing mess. (Then again, when does he not?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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