The Translation/Transliteration is in bold type.
(The original Hebrew words and amplification are in parentheses in regular font).
1 On behalf of (la) Dowd / Love (Dowd – love, a.k.a. David) to you ('el – Almighty), Yahowah (Yahowah). I lift up (nasa' – entrust and bear) my soul (nepesh). My God ('elohym) in You (ba) I trust and rely (batach – I have complete confidence and am totally secure), never despairing or being disappointed (lo' bowsh – never facing disapproval, distress, or disgrace).
2 Never allow (lo') my enemies ('ayab – those who are hostile and opposed to me) to triumph over me ('alas ly – to rejoice over me).
3 Moreover (gam – in addition) do not allow (lo') any of those (kol) who place their confidence in You (qawah – who look to you anticipating and expecting deliverance) to be disappointed or be disapproved (bowsh – to experience despair, distress, or disgrace). Let those be disappointed and disapproved (bowsh) who are unfaithful, who act deceitfully and deal treacherously (bagad – who are offensive and betray others) without cause (ryqam – as a result of their vanity and worthlessness).
4 Yahowah (Yahowah), make known to me (yada' – show and teach me, cause me to understand and respect, to acknowledge and choose) Your ways (derek). Teach me (lamad – instruct me so that I respond appropriately to) Your paths ('orah – Your journey through life, and Your example).
5 Direct me to walk (darak – guide, instruct, teach, lead, and enable me to go forward) by (ba) trusting and relying upon You ('emeth – faithfully depending upon You). Teach me (lamad – instruct, guide, and direct me) because indeed (ky) You are ('atah) the God ('elohym) of my salvation (yasha' – my deliverance). With You ('eth – alongside You) I confidently expect and anticipate deliverance (qawah – I am confident of a beneficial outcome) every day (kol yowm).
6 Yahowah (Yahowah) remember and invoke (zakar – recall and memorialize) Your mercy (racham – Your compassion and favor) and Your steadfast love and unfailing kindness (chesed – Your affectionate devotion to the relationship). For indeed (ky) they (hem) are from (min) time immemorial ('olam – before time began).
7 The sins (chata'ah – the errors, mistakes, offenses, and wrongdoings where I missed the way) of my youth (na'uwrym – childhood) and rebellion (pesha' – defiance and transgressions) do not remember (lo' zakar – recall or memorialize) as (ka) Your love for me is remembered (chesed zakar la 'atah – your unchanging and steadfast devotion for me is recalled) on account of (ma'an) Your goodness (towb – Your perfect nature) Yahowah (Yahowah).
8 Yahowah (Yahowah), the Most High ('al), is good (towb – moral, perfect, beautiful, pleasing, joyful, cheerful, happy, favorable, beneficial, generous) and always right (yashar – completely correct, consistently straightforward, and upright), therefore (ken) He is the Source of teaching and instruction, and He guides and directs (yarah – He provides the information required to know and to understand to) sinners (hata' – to those who have violated the standard and are guilty, those who would otherwise be condemned) along the Way (ba ha derek – in the way, with the way, and by the way).
9 He enables the way of (darak / derek – He provides the path for) the unpretentious and sincere ('anaw – the straightforward and humble; from 'anah – those who respond, answer the call, and actively engage) with this means to achieve justice and resolve disputes (ba ha mishpat – by this basis whereby sound judgment is exercised). He provides the information to teach (lamad – He responds to and instructs) those who respond to His call and actively engage ('anaw – those who are unpretentious and sincere) His Way (derek).
10 All (kol) the mannerisms and conduct ('orah – the ways life is conceived, conveyed, preserved, expressed, related, and enjoyed) of Yahowah (Yahowah) are merciful and beyond reproach (checed – demonstrate goodness, faithfulness, and loving kindness) and they are trustworthy and reliable ('emeth – true, sure, enduring, certain, and dependable) for (la) those who are preserved by (natsar – for those who are saved, protected, and maintained by observing and keeping) His Family-Oriented Covenant Relationship (beryth – nurturing relational agreement, binding promise, solemn oath, and mutual alliance and pledge predicated upon a marriage vow and home which fosters and encourages) and His Witness ('edah – testimony).
11 As a result (ma'an – the intent and purpose of and for the sake of; from 'anah – speaking of those who answer and respond to the witness) of Your name (shem – your reputation and renown) Yahowah (Yahowah), You will choose to genuinely and completely forgive (wa salah – You have already decided to actually pay a ransom to pardon me, removing all associated guilt (qal wa perfect consecutive)) my sin (la 'awon – my guilt for having not been in accord with the standard, my personal perversity and depravity), because indeed (ky) it and He (huw') are great (rab).
12 Hence (zeh), whatever (my) individual ('ysh) respects and reveres (yare') Yahowah (Yahowah), He will teach him (yarah – He will become the Source of their guidance and will direct him) in, with, and by (ba) the way (derek – the path) He should choose (bahar – desire, select, and prefer (qal imperfect indicating that our desire must be genuine and that our choice must be based upon reality because the implications will unfold and be ongoing throughout time)).
13-14 His soul (nepesh) in (ba) the most favorable, pleasing, and festive circumstances (towb – goodness, beauty, prosperity, and enjoyment) will dwell and endure (lyn – will rest and remain, abiding in safety), and his descendants (zera' – seed and offspring) will inherit (yaras) the land ('erets – the realm and world). A very close and intimate fellowship with (cowd – personally sitting in the company while confiding in) Yahowah (Yahowah) is certain for (la – surely awaits) those who respect and revere Him (yare'). And His Family-Oriented Covenant Relationship (beryth – His nurturing relational agreement, His binding promise and solemn oath of friendship, His mutual alliance and pledge based upon a marriage vow and home which fosters and encourages and His constitution, compact, treaty, and partnership) He makes known to him (yada' – He reveals to them).
15-16 My eyes ('ayn – my observations and perceptions, my focus, gaze, perspective, and attention) will continually be (tamyd – will constantly remain without interruption) upon ('el) Yahowah (Yahowah), because indeed (ky) He (huw'), Himself will come (yatsa' – He will descend, extend Himself, come forth and serve) removing the snare from (min resheth – the trap and restraints, speaking of yarash – the human propensity to oppress, possess, destroy, and impoverish from) my feet (regel – my ability to walk), turning me around and preparing me (panah – changing me to come before Him) to have mercy on me ('el chanan – to show me favor and compassion) as a unique child (ky yahyd) and I am (wa 'any) humbled ('any).
Yahowah, elohym Yasha - Yahowah, God of my Salvation
SpiritualProperly Translated Text of Psalms 25:1-16, as transliterated, translated, and amplified by Yada @