Best Friend

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Jen's POV

Where do I start? I guess from the beginning right? Well, it was October 18, 1997, and two babies were born. One male, 9 pounds, beautiful blue eyes, and a birthmark on his neck that looked a lot like a heart. The other one was female, 7 pounds, and quiet (surprise! she still is!). Mark was the male one obviously. And I, well, the quiet room was unsettling. The only thing you could hear is the murmurs confused doctors and my worried mother. I was her first child and as a first time mother, she was clueless and frightened.

Mark and I's dads were best friends since college. My dad met my mother in a bar and..i don't want to go into detail in that.

(Mark will tell you his history in the next chapter.)

That night after the bar produced me. I didn't miss the wedding either, I was still, technically, physically there.

We live in the yee-haw state of Texas and i love it. It's bipolar temperature is bearable and the burgers are heavenly. Food is amazing and I think we all can agree with that. That's why I want to be a chef! But we'll get to that later..I think i've said enough about myself. Good Bye!

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