Untitled Part 1

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I couldn't believe my eyes! It was her. The girl who used to be my best friend, the one I used to trust the most with all my secrets, the one whom I use to look up to, but now, she was just a backstabbing liar and an untrustworthy person. She stood before my eyes without saying a word. It seemed so unreal and she was the least i expect to meet on a fine day. 

I was raging as i recalled all the things she did to me a few years back. All the rumors she made about me swarmed other schools and even on social medias. All the cyber bullying i had encountered in high school was all because of her. This had caused a sudden drop in my self-esteem. 

Three years ago, she made fun of me for being an adopted child. She said that my biological parents did not want me because they thought I was going to be a disgrace to the family in terms of education and job. She also added that it was the reason why they gave me away the moment I was delivered. Such hurtful words that cut deeper than knives. 

When I was in sophomore, she made up a rumor about me losing my virginity at 14. That rumor made most of my seniors to dislike me. They even thought I was a disgusting whore and should never be a good example to the freshmen. That was the reason why I was never allowed to join any clubs or activities. Everytime I tried telling the truth, nobody gave me the chance to explain myself. 

All these rumors and bullies kept going until senior year,the year I decided to step out of my shell, to stop being timid anymore, to fight back for my own right. I had enough of all the bullying, of all the lies. I finally went straight up to my adoptive parents about the cyber bullying and everything she did to me that made everyone turned against me. 

Few weeks before graduation day, my adopted parents confronted her parents about the things she did to me. Somehow, they were very awkward talking to the couple. Something was fishy about it so i asked my mother if she knew them. That was when my parents told me that the couple were my biological parents. The backstabber was actually my fraternal twin sister which was separated because family culture of not allowing twins in the family.

The news was shocking that it nearly gave me a heart attack. The fact that my own biological sister had been bullying me is truly unacceptable. I did not even know know what or how should I feel towards her. Should i love and care about her like how siblings do? I was badly hurt by her actions. My mixed feelings confused me so much that it gave me a headache. 

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