Prologue Tears

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I swiftly walked down the street, my breath coming out  in short gasps. The moon was high in the sky, the lamps barely lighting up in their dim unclean shells. It was rather chilly but wearing a simple grey t-shirt and jeans at night would be.

I had long since given up hope, it had been days since I came back from the Hospital and yet I couldn't digest a single piece of food. I couldn't tell anyone the symptoms from the surgery I was experiencing, I mean who could I tell anyway aside from Hide..

Someone who could not ingest human food, a monster that would eat humans for fun...

A ghoul.

I saw them, I always knew they were there but still. I clenched my hand in a tight ball my insides churning against the walls of my small under nourished body. To think by some fluke I would become one of them had never crossed my mind. To think I had become such a monster hurt, but how would I eat?

If I didn't eat soon I would end up either dying slowly in pain, or end up going insane and eating people. Why. Why did this happen to me??! I was just a simple person trying to live their life, maybe get a wife, good job, nice home have a whole life to spoils kids and grandchildren.

Now that was all a distant dream.

I closed my eyes, I probably looked quite strange standing in the middle of the street alone just there feeling as if reality was drifting away from me every breath I took. I am a wreck though I thought as I looked down at my small physic.

That girl from before Rize, she seemed so innocent so pure. It's hard to think that she was wearing that just as a mask so she could prey of people to lure them close to her then eat them.. Maybe that's what I would do, become a monster just like her someone with no friends only to be feared by the public and locked away and killed.

I guess I still was having trouble accepting what I was becoming I mean if you were just turned into a cannibal one day unable to enjoy life the way it was before, the water on lips the taste of finely cooked steak or the sublime delicacies of the most sweetest cakes..

My mind slowly drifted from what I was doing at the time and I noticed drool was slowly covering my face, I reached for my face and wiped away my saliva. Play it cool Kaneki, just stay calm do something anything to keep from panicking I told myself as I rubbed my hands together hoping it would contract some type of warmth to keep my mind from other depressing matters.

I looked up, the girl from the cafe was just walking down the street, she looked tired probably weary from working all day, my stomach churned once again and my head started to pound.

I couldn't possible eat another person could I?

But she was just there so defenseless and..

I could feel a deep hunger I had been neglecting start to over take my senses, my heart started beating faster my throat started aching. I tried to keep calm biting into my lip quickly drawing blood then wiping it on my sleeve, was I really considering this?

Maybe just a little wouldn't hurt right, if I could just get to her in time. She was making her way down the alley her footsteps calm as she moved her legs to a quick tempo. I dragged myself over to her slender form, each step causing my body to shake with pains I never thought possible for my body to withstand.

I was so close to her, just a few more paces and-

A old man seemed to appear from nowhere and he  pushed me against the wall as I tried to grab for her neck. I was still shaking, my body numb and sparks of pain numbly coursing throughout my whole body. My breath hitched in shock at what he would do his frame towering over my small one, he brought his face close to my neck so close I could feel the heat coming from his mouth.

He stared down at me, his smile wide and twisted I meekly weakened and crumpled against his touch. He looked old enough to be a grandfather and yet his eyes were giving out completely opposite singles. Staring at me as if I was something to be eaten rather than looked at with civility.

He whispered to me as I felt his fingers tearing at my skin."You smell pretty nice you know... . ..I never ate a Ghoul before but you could be the exception you know"

"That would not be necessary" A voice spoke and a blue haired man pushed the old person who was assaulting me away with seemingly little force.

He was wearing a fancy red suit with matching trousers, complementing his hair in the strangest way. He had almost feminine features his face so smooth and-

I was too wrapped looking at his face I forgot the about the old predator, and noticed him making his way back to the blue haired stranger. He looked angry as he stumbled towards us.

"Hey!! Who do you think you are, this isn't your turf and I found him fir-"      

As he looked at the other mans face I was his previous confidence quickly falter and his figure backing away slowly. He started to form words with his mouth but he looked almost too scared to probably speak, but soon enough he started speaking but in short pants and squeaks.

"Oh, Go-gourmet I'm s-so sorry I didn't realize yo-you were ba-back in this district, please help yourself I'm so sorry plea-

The finely dressed man gave the older one, a single look of disgust and said one simple word that was said with so much hate that I even felt my body give an involuntary shiver.


The man stormed off down the street, and I slid down against the wall after being freed against the grip of the tension that seemed to fill the air only moments ago. My bones felt hollow as if they would snap if another forceful act were to happen to them.

"Are you okay" The blue haired man asked me, I wanted to answer but my head wouldn't move and as I felt about I found that all my body failed to respond.

I sat there on the ground as I felt raindrops fall from the sky onto me, although I couldn't move my body I could still faintly feel my stomach unsurprisingly in pain from hunger, my body felt weak, shattered and broken.

I slowly felt my conciseness fade, the mans presence not leaving me.

Why are you so unfair world? I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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