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My name is Damon Salvatore and I am a 172 year old vampire. My younger brother, Stefan Salvatore, and I were sired by Katherine Pierce in 1864. We're different now, my brother I. My brother drinks the blood of forest creatures. I like to mock him about that and it's fun, but I very seldom do. We only became vampires because Katherine, our sire and lover, loved us both.
In the beginning, we were once human just like other vampires once were. We lost our mother when we were younger. That's when we promised to never let a girl come between us. Our father and I never really got along when I grew up, because I learned to challenge his authority. He used money to put me in college, because he wanted to make me go there to make something of myself. I failed, because I didn't want to be in college. Instead, I spent the time ditching classes, going to the bar to drink, and finding myself pretty women to occupy my time with.
When I was eighteen, I went to war so that I didn't have to abide by my father anymore. My brother on the other hand, was the good son. He spent his time studying things, listening to everything our father said, and obeying him 24/7.
When I came home in 1864 on leave from the war to see my brother, we spent some time at the bar and he told me that our father wanted him to get married to a girl he had known since we were kids; Rose. He didn't want to get married, but he was the good son that did everything he was asked of by father.
One day, Stefan introduced me to Katherine Pierce. We were playing ball when she interrupted us. She asked us if she could play and Stefan explained to her that I like to play rough and I told her that it's not really a girl's game. And then Stefan told her that she didn't know the rules. Katherine then told us, "Who needs rules?" Then we chased after her since she had our ball, after I told Stefan, "That's clearly a girl that wants to be chased."
After Stefan got married, Rose's body was found not far from the church where they had gotten married at one night.
Soon after, she started giving us a little of her blood and told us what she was. I wasn't afraid at all of her. I accepted what she was and loved her unconditionally.
Later, we found out that it had been Katherine whom had killed Rose. She knew that Stefan hadn't wanted to get married, so she killed Rose.
When we found out that father wanted to find vampires and made a compass that would say whom were vampires, Stefan told me that he would tell father what Katherine was and explain to him that she wasn't evil like he thought vampires are. I tried to convince him not to tell him, because I thought that it would be a huge mistake. And when he told him, I knew I had been right. Father and his friends took Katherine one night when they went in search of vampires. Annabelle's mother, Pearl, was one of the many vampires that was captured. Anna was never found out, because she hid with the local witch, Emily Bennett. Emily was one of Katherine's friends.
When we tried to save Katherine, our father shot us dead in the street for doing so, because we had disgraced him and the entire Salvatore family. And then we woke up in transition to become vampires. Stefan came to try and speak to our father and accidentally killed him. So Stefan was the first to turn into a vampire. I didn't want to be a vampire, but my brother made me feed from a girl's neck.
When we saw Fell's church fire, we thought Katherine was dead. And since Stefan made me a vampire, I vowed to him as we stood by the stream on our estate, "I will make your life an eternity of misery." So we both left Mystic Falls, Virginia.
I continued my diet of human blood and never became a Ripper. I only took enough to quench my thirst, which wasn't too much. Then I would compel the people I fed from to forget that they ever met me. My brother on the other hand, became the Ripper of New Orleans. Lexi, a vampire that I hate to mention, and even hate to compare to myself, since she's like me that drinks human blood, found Stefan. She helped him get back on track and that's when he turned to feeding on forest creatures.
When we met up again in New Orleans, I killed a girl he had fallen for to give him some misery. And then I left him again.
In September 2009, I came back to Mystic Falls just as my brother had. But it wasn't because my brother was there. It was because I had found out some information about where Katherine might be. She might've been alive. And that's where this story begins. Enjoy it the best you can, because it's not all happy times. It has sadness, anger, hatred, revenge, love, and lust in it. This is my story.

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