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All ages, height, names, personalities, families, etc. can and might be changed, this is a fanfic, it's set in a different universe, things will be different!!

Things that won't be in here:
- cannibalism, nobody is eating bunny yoonie.
- sex, I can't write smut in general.

Things that might be in here:
- fluff, this is an overall soft story, with a pinch of angst.
- bullying, in no way am I encouraging it, it's just for the story.
- possessiveness, it's a bunch of predators with a bunnie, there's gonna be a lot of possessive hybrids.
- cussing.
- innocence, yoonie is innocent in this, he won't understand any sexual jokes, or most things in general.
- crappy humor/writing.
- I will use pictures/gifs sometimes throughout the story.

I want to clarify before anyone asks!
- while bts are hybrids, ears/tails/wings/etc. are not a common thing to see. Most hybrids have control over showing the animal body parts, so don't expect every chapter for Jin to be cooing over Yoongi's ears or anything, (it'll happen a lot don't worry.)
- yes! they have animal forms, yes! they can shift, some of them don't have control.

See you lovelies in the next chapter! XOXO!

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