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3rd POV

"D-do y-you really l-love m-me? No l-let me rephrase it. H-Have you ever l-loved me?" the woman stuttered while asking the man in front of her.

But the man just bow his head because he doesn't know what to say and he's not sure of his feelings either.

The woman burst into more tears. She felt like her heart was stabbed deep and suddenly torn apart.

The man didn't raise his head because he hates to see her crying like an overflowing river. He doesn't wan to hurt her, but...... he doesn't know too what to do and what to say to make the one stop from hurting. He hates to see her breaking into pieces, he hates to see her like this and most of all he hates himself for being a pathetic asshole infront of her.

He badly wants to comfort her, he badly wants to hug her as tight as he could and kiss away every tear and every pain that he brought to her but, how?

"I f-fucking don't know w-what to say." He stuttered too. "God knows I don't want to hurt you like this. I didn't mean it this way baby, believe me----" he tried to explain and reach her but he was cut off.

"How will you make me believe again in you? When you can't even sort out your own feelings! How will you make me believe again? When all you did was to pretend that you cared! How will you make me believe again? When all you did was to lie that you love me too! Tell me how?! Tell me fucking how Khy?!" now she's shouting because of boiling anger and pain in her chest.

He's near to crying but he doesn't want to break down too infront of her.

"Just g-give me more time baby, please?" he pleaded.

"More time huh?" she retorded back unbelievably. "I already gave you all the time in the world didn't I? Now you want more time? But how about me?"

"Just please let me deal with my damn feelings first baby, just bear with me. And for the mean time just stay with me please? baby please? I'm begging you Euri." he still try his luck, hoping that the woman will still grant his request.

The woman heaved a deep yet sarcastic sigh "Huh! now you have the guts? You want me to stay with you, while you're sorting out your own feelings? how about my own feelings? how about me Khy? Do you really want me to be hurt even more?" she almost whispered with unending tears in her face.

Guilt consumed him more but he needs her, he can't afford to lose her. "No it's not that. I just want you to stat close with me that's all I ever need baby. Let's just forget this okay? And just go with the flow baby please?"

"You are so selfish! I have a heart too! I still have feelings!" now she's sobbing really hard "You know what? I-I can't do this anymore. Don't just choose me because I'm the one who is here. Choose the one you really love and I know it's not me. I have to at least save myself, save my ego and save some love for myself. You already drained me. My parent's didn't raise me for nothing." He can now see the hurt in her eyes and the hatred for him.

"What d-do you mean by that baby?" he is now tense and starts to curse in his mind.

She looked at his eyes, determined to make him understand what she wants to do now. "I need to leave now or else you will crashed me even more."

He was horrified because of her declaration of leaving him. "No baby! I'm begging you don't do this to me! Don't just fucking leave me baby! I'm begging you! Please!"

"Why?" she whispered. "Give me one reason why I should not leave you?" she prayed that maybe.......... maybe he really love her that's why he can't afford lose her.

But that one question caught the man of guard. He doesn't know what to say. Damnit! He got speechless again.

"See? You can't even answer me, so why would I stay?" she smiled bitterly. "So what's the point of staying?" and another tear came out again from her tired eyes.

"I'm leaving. I know you still love her and I couldn't afford to be hurt over and over and over and again and again like an unending painful cycle because of loving you! You know how much I love you Khy but maybe it's not enough. Maybe I wasn't enough for you from the start.  Now, I don't want to fight back anymore because in the first place, she already won your heart without even fighting. I really need to wake up from this dream. This dream that turned out to be my greatest painful nightmare. Now I really understand that you can't dictate your heart whom to love. Because if I only could? I wouldn't have loved you from the very first time I laid my eyes on you. Maybe if I guarded my heart thoroughly, I would't end up with a broken heart. Still, thank you for all the memories Khy. I do love you but I know when to give up. She deserves your love morw than I am. Goodbye." and with that the woman instany walk away without turning back.

She hardly needs to leave now or else she would just ran back to him and begged to choose her.

The man finally let all his tears go while breaking in the inside. It's crystal clear for him now, that he just lost her and he doesn't know what to do anymore.


It's been years since she came back home.

Now, she's finally................home.

She misses her parent's, she misses her circle of friends, she misses being at her comfort zone, and she misses
Everything, including him.

And then reality hits her. God! She shouldn't feel this way. 'You're already over with him. You decided to move on when you went away aren't you?' she reminded to herself. Besides she already have Kyden with her, what she could ask for? He's all she ever need. Her greatest love now.

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