Soul Seals

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[Y/n] breaks into the atmosphere of a world foreign to him, but he could see a large, shining castle that reminded him of home. While he's distracted, though, Dragon Flame returns to its blade form and [Y/n] falls through the air, into the courtyard of the castle, where is armor quickly disappears.

[Y/n]: Not my best landing... What happened?

Ignis: (in his head) You lost focus when you were staring at the castle, and you lost your grip on Dragon Flame's transformation.

[Y/n]: I see... Alright, first priority is clearing out the Unversed. After that, we'll find Aqua. Together, me and her will bring Ven back to the Land of Departure, and then we'll find Terra, and the three of us will continue with the Unversed and our mission to find Master Xehanort.

He gets up out of the flower bed he had landed in and dusts himself off before continuing through the castle doors. As he steps inside, he's nearly run over by a woman being chased by a guard carrying a glass slipper. Once inside, though, he finds Aqua standing there and Terra standing up a flight of stairs.

[Y/n]: Aqua, Terra!

Aqua: [Y/n].

Terra: Ignis!

The three meet up at the bottom of the stairs.

Aqua: Terra... Ven ran away from home.

Terra: What?

Aqua: I think he left to go find you.

[Y/n]: Do you have any idea why?

Terra: No... Actually, just before I left, he tried to tell me something. I should've listened to what he had to say.

Aqua: Oh... So, did you manage to locate Master Xehanort?

Terra: No, but it seems he's looking for pure hearts filled with light.

Aqua: Pure hearts...

[Y/n]: (bringing a hand up to his chin) Filled with light...

Terra: (walking off) All I can tell you is that his search hasn't taken him here.

Aqua: All right. We'll stay and see if we can find more clues.

Terra: Okay. The Prince is in the ballroom ahead. He might have some answers.

Aqua: Thanks.

The two turn away.

Terra: Aqua, Ignis.

They look back at him to see he's stopped and turned to face them.

Terra: You two still have the same dream?

Aqua: Well... Yes.

[Y/n]: Of course.

Terra: There's this girl here- Her name is Cinderella. She made me realize how powerful it is just to believe. No matter how impossible things seem... A powerful enough dream will always be enough to light the darkness. If you see her, give her my thanks.

[Y/n]: Right.

Aqua: Will do.

[Y/n] begins to walk up the stairs as Aqua mutters something and he gets a strange feeling.

[Y/n]: Something's odd...

As the two walk into the ballroom together, they pass by three women, but they stop when they get a very strange feeling from them. The guard from earlier runs by them, carrying the same glass slipper.

Aqua: Who are those ladies?

Guard: Oh, er, if I recall, that is Lady Tremaine and those are her daughters.

Dragon's Soul, a Kingdom Hearts FanficWhere stories live. Discover now