Dororo - The Story of Daigo

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(Y/n) was only young when it happened. When the war began that destroyed his village. With no home and no family, the little boy began a long, ardious journey with no destination in mind.

(Y/n) was born blind, and during the attack he lost his left arm. Disabled as he was, he never gave up. For a whole entire week with no food and little water he made his way further and further from the ruins of his home. But a week was all his small body could manage before he collapsed.

He considers himself to be lucky on that day. A stranger found him laying unconscious deep in the woods.

At first, the man believed the boy to be dead. He stared silently at the pitiful form of the small child before he clasped his hands and bowed his head in prayer. He knelt over (Y/n), lifting him from the ground so he could bury him. When he wrapped his arms around (Y/n), he felt his small, quick breaths.

Surprised, he almost dropped him. He picked up (Y/n) and carried him as quickly as he could to a small cottage in the woods.


A year passed with (Y/n) living with Jukai. He was a calm and patient man, who had built a prosthetic arm for him. (Y/n) could not find it in himself to care much for him, but (Y/n) also knew that without him he would be nothing but a skeleton now. For that, (Y/n) was eternally grateful.

But (Y/n)'s peaceful life would soon find itself uprooted once again, as wars began to break out in the surrounding provinces. Jukai packed up his tools and together with (Y/n) he set out to assist the dead.


(Y/n) had never been more grateful to be blind as when he heard the desperate wailing of the dying, the raspy breaths and quiet gurgling. The sounds lived deep in his head for weeks after he heard them. He could feel the sticky blood holding his shoes to the muddy ground, smell the rotting corpses as Jukai did his work. But never once did he see them. And he never once wanted to.

Traveling around, growing older and more mature, (Y/n) picked up more and more of Jukai's depressed state. He knew not what caused it, but he believed it was seeing the dead and dying every day. Burying their bodies and dealing with the ignorant living.

(Y/n) prayed for something to save the man who had saved him. He prayed hard for something to give him life again, to show him joy.

He never expected his wish to come true.


(Y/n) was just waking up from his sleep when Jukai stumbled up to him.

"(Y/n), could you please assist me with something?" the man asked.

Silently, (Y/n) nodded his head and waited for instructions.

"Thank you -hold this!"

And just like that a small, squirming object was thrust against his chest. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around it, cradling it as Jukai moved about their camp from the night. The smell of blood wafted up his nose and (Y/n) gave the bundle a look of pity. He thought it was an infant who had been injured and abandoned.

Well, close enough.

"Jukai?" the quiet boy asked. "Where did you find this?"

Jukai's movements stopped for barely a moment before he answered. "In a boat maybe a quarter mile down the road. There's... He's not a normal child, my boy. I -I don't know how to explain it just yet. Later, though. I will tell you more later. Now, hold your left arm a little higher -that's where his head is- so I can feed him. He must be starving..."

(Y/n) did as was commanded of him and stared at the bundle in his arms, only seeing a gray shadow.

"Jukai?" he called again. "He does not look like you."

Jukai did not pause this time, having long understood how (Y/n) saw things. "I know," he whispered.

Silence lapsed between the two as (Y/n) stared at the child he held in him arms. Something stirred within him, a will to protect the innocent babe from the horrors that accosted the land. The fierce fire of a mother burned his soul, and he turned his gaze to Jukai, who, he noted, had a lost feeling.

Jukai did not feel the same passion as (Y/n). He found himself battling his own emotions of pity and self doubt, hoping -praying he had made the right decision when he brought the baby back with him. Worry chewed at his mind and he blew on a spoonfull of soup and lowered it to the child. He needs a name... Jukai thought. But he would have to think of that later. For now, he had to make sure the child would have a later.

Hi! I'm not really sure what I'm trying to do with this, but Dororo came to and end and I felt the need to write SOMETHING for it. I don't know if I'll continue this. I don't know if I'll take this down later. I just don't know. But for now, here ya go. A brand new scribble for your eyes to devour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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