Chapter 1

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//third pov//

ten quickly grabbed his car keys and checked the clock one last time. it read 5:48. he walked out of his apartment towards the elevator. he nervously fidgeted his hands. today was ten's job interview to be assistant to johnny seo, one of the biggest business owners in the world. after johnny's dad died, he took over the company. but without his dad, he needed extra help with work. so here ten was, on his way to the interview to become johnny's assistant.

ten heard many stories about job interviews. so far everyone has got declined by johnny. he even heard that some people ran out of the interview room crying. ten was 99.9% sure he wouldn't get accepted but he would try his best.

he actually needed it. he was barely making enough money at the café to pay his own rent. and this was an extreme raise in pay.

ten hurried to his car in attempt to avoid rush hour.

the drive there was around 45 minutes, not including traffic. with traffic it was around an hour and 15 minutes. when ten arrived he looked at the clock in his car: 7:03.

his interview was at 7:30 so he still had time to prepare once he got in the building.

ten checked himself in the mirror before getting out of the car. he walked slow but fast at the same time. if that makes any sense.

"well shit. here i go." ten said to himself as he walked into the building.

//ten pov//

as i walked into the building, i hope i looked cool because on the inside i was scared out of my mind. in all of the pictures i had seen of johnny seo, he isn't smiling in one of them. not a single one. who does that?

i stepped onto the elevator that had just arrived along with a few other people. one of them being a man with light brown hair and a strong build. he looked over at me. "are you here for the assistant interview too?"

i nodded, "yes, i am."

"well mr. seo could do a lot better. he would do good with someone like me."

'what the fuck did this bitch say to me.' i thought to myself, "i think mr. seo would prefer someone that didn't have to workout to compensate for his small dick."

a woman in the elevator snorted as she tried to hold in her laugh. i stared straight ahead but still felt the other man's eyes on me.

as the elevator got to our floor, i looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "best of luck to you."

haha bitch. i got the last word.

when i arrived outside the interview room, there were people sitting in a line of chairs against the wall. i sat down in an empty chair and looked through my files that held my resume and other documents. i went over possible scenarios in my head which apparently passed time pretty quickly because before i knew it, my name was called.

"kim yeri, ten, and jung jaehyun please come up."

i stood up and straightened my suit before walking into the room when i sat down, i noticed that jung jaehyun was the same man i had talked to in the elevator.

'are you for cereal? this dude?' i internally complained to myself.

there were 3 people sitting in front of us. 2 of which i didn't know but i definitely knew the middle man was johnny seo himself. when i looked up at him, i noticed he was staring at me. he didn't even look away when i stared back. god he was hot. i wasn't definitely gay for that man. well i was already gay to begin with but even more for johnny.

the interview was a lot more simple and standard than i thought. they mostly asked questions about previous experience, what i do in my free time, and why i think i deserve the job.

throughout the interview though, johnny still kept looking at me. i tried the best to look at the other 2 interviewers instead. but it was hard to keep my eyes off him.

after everyone was finished being questioned, johnny motioned a man over to him. the man who walked over was the same man who called us into the room. i read his name tag: Moon Taeil. he had cleanly styled red hair.

taeil leaned down and johnny whispered something into his ear. taeil leaned up and looked confused for a second before whispering something back to him. johnny nodded in response.

"okay, um i need everybody to leave the room including the interviewers. that is, everybody except for ten and mr. seo please."

everyone stood up and left the room. on the way out, i heard jaehyun mumbled something under his breath. he can go suck a dick.

taeil went back to standing in his corner and johnny and i were both sitting and staring at each other. i could feel my face getting red. "is there something you need to tell me? i have another job interview at 9:30 and i need to make sure i'm there on time."

"you're not going to it." johnny said.

"who are you to tell me what to do?" i snapped. i immediately found out that was a bad idea.

he slammed his hands onto the table in front of him and stood up. "i'm your new boss. that's who i am. and i don't think you want to talk to your boss like that on your first day."

"oh shit really? i mean- i. oh my god. thi- wait. i-." i turned around on my stool real quick. i so badly wanted so skiddadle-skidoodle my way on out of there,but since i got the job, there was no going back now. when i heard footsteps, i turned around. johnny was is standing in front of me.

"so i got the job?"

johnny nodded down at me. before i could even process what i was doing, i jumped up and hugged him. "thank you thank you thank you mr. seo. you have no idea how much this means to me."

"let go of me." he said with a flat voice.

"oh my god i am so sorry. here just let me fix that." i ran my hands down his chest and stomach in attempt to help straighten out his suit, but i realized that this wasn't fixing the problem much. when i looked up at him i could've sworn i saw him hiding a smile.

"no one has ever dared to speak to me like you do. let alone touch me. i admire your confidence. now come with me. we're going to our office."

"yes mr. seo." i answered.

"don't talk to me so formally. i like it better how you talked before."

"you got it johnny-o. ok wait just forget i said that. i'm sorry." i mentally facepalmed myself. i heard a chuckle come from the tall male in front of me. "did you just laugh?" i asked, shocked.

he looked back at me with a straight face, "maybe i did. maybe i didn't.

i smiled as i followed johnny to our office. i could already tell i was gonna like this job.

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