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A long day of work. Bob was tired. And not just tired of work.
Tired of work, yeah. But also tired of Amy, the five hellspawns he created, his goddamn neighbors, his sexuality, his life.
He walked in through the front door, and was immediately tackled by... the fuck was her name? Oh. Charlie.
"Daddy!" she squealed, hugging his leg. Hastily kicking her to the side, he quickly shuffled into the kitchen.
PB&J was there. "Hey, uh, dad, I was wondering if I could use the car-"
"Go the fuck ahead. See if I care if you crash the goddamn thing-"
"Thanks dad!" There was almost a nervous look on his face, but Bob didn't think too much about it as PJ hurried out. Heading towards the fridge, he was just waiting to-
It was gone. It was fucking gone.
"AMY?!?! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BOOZE?!" He roared. No response.
Storming through the house, he didn't hesitate to tip over furniture. He needed this now.
...Was she not home?
Ripping through the rooms, he only found Teddy, and when he asked her, she just said Amy was "out shopping". Yelling a bit at Teddy, he sighed frustratedly and practically ran out of the house. His hands were shaking. He was going out to the bar.
Fuck Amy. Fuck Teddy. Fuck Charlie. Fuck that kid with the sandwich name. Fuck Gabe. Fuck the other kid. Fuck everything.
Pulling up to the bar, he stared at himself in the mirror. He calmed himself down before walking himself inside. Like he was normal.
Normal... was something he would never achieve.
He drank... ordered some food, talked to some people, drank more... watched the game, talked to some more people... drank... drank more... and more... until it was late and he was one of the last people there, sobbing to himself on the counter.
"You okay buddy?" the bartender asked, drying some glasses.
"I-I hate my life..." he hiccuped, tears streaming down his face.
"Well, look-"
"I've got this." a voice whispered from behind him. It was... Scottish? Irish? Something like that.
Whipping his head around, he saw a tall, sturdy man, with a greenish color to his skin. His ears stuck out a bit. His eyes looked like swirling chocolate, and his clothes were simple and honest. He was... attractive, in a humble way.
"Hey, buddy." the man cooed, sitting next to Bob. "It's fine. You're fine. You can fix it."
"No, I can't..." Bob then proceeded to give a detailed description of his life story, moaning about how miserable he was. The man listened carefully, then with a few words, fixed everything.
"Anything can be changed. You, Bob, are just afraid of the consequences." The man winked.
"How did you know my name?" Bob asked, shocked.
Shrek pointed to the name tag still on Bob's work clothes. Bob looked, and... smiled. Then laughed. He laughed harder than he had in a long time. Clapping his hand on the other man's back while still wiping tears from his eyes, he smiled, panting, "Ah, man. What's your name?"
The man stood up, smiling. Holding out his hand, he helped Bob up from the bar stool.
"The name's Shrek, let's get you out of here."
There was mystery in that name. It was exotic, undiscovered. Waiting to be ravished and dominated, but clouded with curiosity and romance.
It was a name he wanted to learn more about.
They walked out of the bar together, and Shrek stopped in front of the barely-lit parking lot.
"Bob... I noticed something about you." He mused, scratching his leg.
"Bob... are you, ah... how do I say it?"
Bob tensed. The possibilities of what could be said raced through his mind.
"...Gay?" Shrek said it awkwardly but innocently.
Bob's face warmed up. Tears dwelled at his eyes. Gay? No, he clearly wasn't... No. His life, his pain, it wasn't due to him being gay... was it? ...
He thought of his life back home, and on an impulse, squeaked, "Yes."
Shrek smiled, and purred, "Good," Fingers tracing back behind Bob's hairy ear, he leaned in a bit closer, "Because ever since I saw you, I wanted to do this..." His exotic accent resonated with lust and pleasure, and soon Shrek came closer and pressed his lips against Bob's. Bob tensed, face firing up. His chest started to hurt, and he swore he could hear his own heartbeat.
Shrek ravished his mouth, but instead of being tense, Bob relaxed and gave himself to Shrek. He was submissive to this dominant force, and he let himself be kissed, be completely dominated.
Shrek purred, but before he pulled away, he nibbled at Bob's lower lip.
Bob panted, looking up at Shrek. He wiped his lips, whispering, "That was the best kiss I've ever had." He wanted more.
Shrek smirked, and lightly rubbed his fingers over Bob's zipper. Bob tensed. What...?
"Well, I can show you the best time you've ever had." Shrek whispered huskily. Bob shivered, feeling warm all over. Nodding weakly, he let Shrek pull him along to his car. Oh god. What was he doing?
Opening the door for him, before Bob sat down, Shrek grabbed his ass aggressively and fondled it. Giving it a good slap, Shrek closed the door and walked to his side. Bob could feel a tightness in his pants, and he was practically squirming. He was half-hard and wanting to pounce on Shrek already.
Shrek entered the car (which smelled like onions and mold), and started it up. Bob squirmed in his seat, rubbing his legs together to put pressure on his cock. Noticing this, even though he was driving, Shrek reached over with one hand and carefully fondled the hard object in Bob's pants.
Bob bit his lip as he was touched. He was like a horny teenager all over again. Clawing the edge of the seat, he watched as they started to drive along a country road, towards the forest. A strike of fear hit him.
"S-Shrek?" Bob panted.
Ignoring him, Shrek continued to rub him through his pants.
Bob gave up and succumbed to the pleasure. Moaning, he felt his precum already lining the inside of his boxers.
Finally they started approaching... a lake? A small community of cottages lined around the lake, but Shrek drove to the farthest one, the one closet to the lake and farthest into the forest. Around it were small ponds, and made it swamp-like.
Shrek practically dragged Bob out of the car. Dragging him into the house, he quickly shoved him into the house. Turning around, he slammed the door and shoved Bob into it.
Holding him against the door, he pressed his knee under his crotch, applying pleasure.
"S-Shrek...?" Bob squeaked.
"Bob, I need you to understand something right now," Shrek said, licking his lips. "You... are in my swamp now." With those words, he slammed his lips into Bob's, and Bob was in pure bliss.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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