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Shawn added,  " What are you guys doing?" Bradley slowly let go, and gave Shawn and I some space.

" Oh I was making fun of Brad's singing, and he got mad." I looked at Brad and started to laugh.

He just rolled his eyes at me.

" So you guys were together the whole morning?" Shawn asked.

" Yeah kinda we just both up." 

Then Connor, Tristain and James came through the door.

" Oh good The vamp boys are here. You guys have soundcheck in 30 for tonights show."

" We have to get goign then." James said.

" lets go." Connor said.

Shawn held my hand, " Camila, Amdrew and a couple other peole are going out for breksfats since we have souncheck a little later, do you want to come?"

" I already ate bresfast. I'm sorry I didnt know you were going." I said.

Brad cut in, " Your welcome to come to our soundcheck."

" That sounds fun." I said back quickly.

" Well I'm going to get going. I hope you have a fun time with the Vamps." Shawn looked over to the boys, " Make sure shes safe!" They all smiled back. Then he looked back at me " Hopefully I'll see you at my soundcheck. Love you."

" Love you." He kissed my forehead and then left. Not long after the boys and I left.

While we were in the car Brad turned to me, " so whats your favorite Vamps song?"

" Has to be cheap wine. Its a banger." He laughed at me.

When we got to the arena, I watched them from th second row. 

Not long into it, Connor, James and Tristian had to find the sound guy.

I was reading a text from Shawn when I heard Bradley calling my name.

" Hey Kenny you wanna learn my rockstar ways?"

I looked up and laughed. I went to the stage and he gave me a hand up, " So Bradley " The rockstar" Simpson what are your ways?"

He smiled and then picked up the mic, " Well fist you got to get the crowd exitced."

Then he started to sing, " I've been up all night, no sleep!" Then he ran around me and jumped all around.

I laughed at how goofy he looked.

" Arent you exitced?" He asked running over to me.

" Maybe that got me hyped a little. But you should do some cool moves."

" Like what?"

" like this." I took the mic from him and walked over to a mic stand, and put it in there.

" First you sing, " Oh I dont know why but shes just my type." Then you take the mic off, drop the stand, but insted of letting it hit the ground, you place your foot on it, so with a little bit of presure it comes back to you. Then with your other hand you grab it and start to move around a little bit more." 

He smiled at me.

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