Chapter 20: What You Have Is What You Need

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Song Quote: House Of Gold
"She asked me, Son, when I grow old
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone
Will you take care of me? Oh, and since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someone"

Third Person's Pov:
"Pizza delivery for 21st and Union. Get it there in time or else it's on you" Jay's boss told the lightning ninja shoving six boxes of pizza into his hands.

He gasped taking the boxes while the time was ticking "Uh, how much time is left?" 

"Five minutes" The man replied gruffly giving him an apathetic look.

"I'll never get across town in five minutes!"  Jay shouted trying to reason with his boss.

"Then I guess it comes out of your pocket. Now get going!" His boss gruffly ordered turning his back on the blue ninja slamming the door behind him.

Without another word the blue ninja hopped onto his moped and speeding off into oncoming traffic. Driving in between the lanes and dodging the cars he raced against time.

"Help!" A woman screamed in terror activating his protective ninja instincts.
Looking in his mirrors the blue ninja saw the woman being surrounded by a group of thugs. The three of them dragged her into the alley at knifepoint.

This was not something to be put off. 

Spinning around he checked his watch keeping the time on the back of his mind as he drove into the alleyway. "What's going on?" Jay asked glaring at the three masked men from underneath his goggles.

"Mind your own business ninja" Another one retorted scowling under his red bandana. He pointed the sharp blade at the blue ninja as one of his accomplices snatched the woman's purse.

"No way" Jay seethed glaring into the eyes of the crooked robbers.

"It's three blades against none" The one with the baseball cap retorted confidently. He brandished the knife with a cocky look in his eye.

With a firm hand he revved up the engine chasing after the crooks. Speeding up he rode his wheels across the wall landing right in front of them.

They halted in their tracks scared stiff. All talk and no bite.

"Blind alley guys" Jay hissed watching them fumble trying to run in the opposite direction. He sped up driving after them and lifted his moped in the air "Bonzai!" He shouted as it landed harshly pinning the thugs to the ground.

"Thank you, pizza ninja" The woman thanked the ninja gratefully as he returned her bag.

He wore a proud smile as he drove out heading back to work. Nothing felt better than to help others, it put a sense of fulfillment in his mind as he drove to 21st and Union.

"Isn't this 21st and Union?" The lightning ninja asked a pedestrian for directions when he saw no houses. The place was completely vacant.

"Sure is, but there hasn't been anything built here in ages" The random guy replied and walking off going about the rest of his day.

Jay got off his bike carrying the pizza boxes looking around for who ordered it.
"Hello? Anyone here?" He called out looking for anyone.

"So, after you rob the bank, we embark on phase two! Ingeniousss!" Skales' voice echoed out from the sewer hole. Jay knelt down before the open manhole listening in seeing the top of their heads.

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕 ||Ninjago x Reader|| Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now