A torchlight gleaming through misty skies,
Colours stream through soft, white clouds,
Surrounding Earth like a bubble of rainbows,
Beads of glass float down in lines,
Hit my eyelids and slowly trickle,
Down to the end of my dark, black lash,
Soft wind whips my silky hair,
To one side of my pale white face,
My glowing green eyes glint in the sunlight,
Watching as the torchlight disappears,
Beyond the horizon, into the gloom,
Journeying to the world of the dead,
The colours turn black and the stars stare down,
Waiting to be discovered,
Like lonely tears dotting an abyss,
A new pale light appears above my head,
Different to the one before,
A white sail on black seas,
Diamonds shoot across the darkness with,
Streams of white light trailing behind.
The free verse poem, ‘Sunset rain’, is about a ghost who still thinks she is alive (the persona) that watches life go by when all the humans are at home in bed. She sees the beauty of the world from a perspective that not many people take the chance to look by mainly because their lives are too busy and it’s raining and getting dark. She still feels like she has the body and feelings of a human. Shows how lucky we are!!! Even the tiniest of miracles only happen when you’re not looking so if you want to enjoy life a little more, take a closer look at the world around you! J The similes help you imagine what it would be like and encourage you to think up more things it could be like because the words ‘like’ and ‘as’ are not definite or promising words unlike ‘is’ and ‘was’.