Chapter 1 - The First Day

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Senior year in high school?For a couple weeks, I had been counting down the last days for the school year to start. I was excited but I was also extremely nervous for the first day of my last high school year. Finally, the first day arrived. All I could think about was how I would get imto college, friends, and if I would meet a beautiful girl who I could date. I wasn't sure on what to wear for school so I just decided to wear black shorts, a white tank top and sandals which is appropriate for summer weather in California. I went downstairs for some breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, hash browns and orange juice which my sister had already begun eating. I greeted her and my mom with a good morning and began eating. Soon after finishing breakfast, I jumped into my black 2015 Camaro Zl1 and waited for my twin sister to come out the house so we could leave. We drove off to school, Santa Monica High School. Once we arrived, we walked to the registration office to pick up our schedules and on the way, we said hello to a few friends. I looked down to my phone to check the time I said to my sister, " Emily the bell is going to ring soon, we should get going to class." We hugged and went our separate ways to class. Once I got into my Anatomy class, I looked around to see if anyone I knew was in it and luckily, one of my good friends Heather was there along with a few other acquaintances. I sat at a desk beside her and we talked a bit about how our summer went until the bell rang. As class went on, I kept looking around to see if anyone else I knew was in class and to see who my classmates were. One girl caught my eye. She was a thin, blonde haired girl with the most beautiful blue eyes. She caught me looking at her and I looked away embarrassed but not before she gave me a welcoming smile. She was literally one of the most prettiest girls I've came across in my young life. After about 20 minutes since the beginning of class, the teacher announced an activity we had to do to get to know our classmates a bit. We had to go around asking questions to other students and I think I was doing well until I partnered up with the beautiful blonde who's name I didn't know until I asked for it. Her name was Aliyah. Such a nice and unique name I thought to myself. I've got to know a little bit about her and enough to know she was new to this school. We took a look at our schedules to compare them and decided to hang out at lunch so she wouldn't spend it alone. The bell rang and I walked her to her next class. I made it just in time to my class and took a seat near the middle of the class. Throughout my next 3 classes, I just day dreamed about Aliyah and anxiously waited for lunch time. I thought I was going crazy acting this way because of someone I had just met so I thought to myself to snap out of it and that she's just a friend. The bell for the end of my fourth class rang and I headed outside to wait for Aliyah. I looked around for about 2 minutes which felt like forever until I saw her. The beautiful Aliyah who took my breath away when I first saw her and managed to take my breath again once more. I walked toward her and said hello and we walked to a near by table. We began to talk about ourselves to each other and I became a bit more interested in her but the whole time I thought about if I should share with her my " secret " which everybody who knew me knew about it. I decided I would tell her. I looked into her eyes and I said, " Aliyah, I don't mean to be weird or creep you out but I rather have you hear this from me instead of from someone else and get the wrong idea. I understand if you decide to get up and leave but I want you to know that I'm a lesbian and I'm telling you to make you aware of this so you can remain talking to me or not because I wouldn't want false rumors to get around and people assuming you're a lesbian and my girlfriend." I looked down as I let out a deep breath feeling relieved getting that off my chest. " Elisha." She said. I looked up at her a bit embarrassed and afraid of what she might say. " I'm not pretty enough or something to be considered your girlfriend?" She said in a sort of angry and serious tone with a death glare. I responded shocked at what she said, " No! That's not what I was trying to say at all. Uhm I uhh think you're beyond beautiful." She giggled a bit and said," I'm just messing with you! Gosh you're so gullible! But thank you for the compliment, you're beautiful as well. Now back to you being a lesbian, I don't care what rumors go around and I'm not creeped out by being here with you because I understand what you meant and feel." I looked at her puzzled and replied, " what do do mean you understand?" She said shyly, " I'm bisexual so yeah I understand what awkwardness is caused by telling someone something like this and I'm glad you told me. Now you know that I also like girls." I simply smiled at her and before I could attempt to say something, I was cut off by my sister Emily accompanied by a few mutual friends. " Who's your new friend Lisha?" she asked. I said " Her name is Aliyah, she's new here. " I smiled at Aliyah and introduced my sister and friends. We talked among our group of friends until the lunch bell rang symbolizing the end of lunch. I said my goodbyes to everyone except Aliyah. Aliyah and I walked together to our next class that we had together, it was Calculus. We sat together and we both caught each other a few times taking a glimpse at one another and we just smiled shyly. After 55 minutes, the bell rang signaling the end of class and we walked out but I stopped along Aliyah at the door of her next class. I was extremely nervous but I managed to ask " Would you like to hang out with me after school? If you don't have any other plans?" Aliyah responded, " I'd love to but I have to first check with my parents if it's okay." I gave her my phone number to text me her answer and told her where I would wait for her if we hung out. I gave her a quick hug and went to my last class which was digital photography. I had my IPhone 6 plugged into the PC so it would charge during class and near the end of class, my phone vibrated. I checked it and it was a text from an unknown number which I hoped was Aliyah. The text said " Hey Elisha, it's Aliyah☺ My parents weren't really happy with the idea of hanging with out with someone I just met but I convinced them. See you after class Xoxoxo." I was excited and as soon as the final bell rang, I quickly walked to wait for Aliyah outside the doors of the building in which she had her last class in. I saw her as she approached me and I said hey. We walked toward the parking lot and I wasn't sure on where to hang out at. Considering she had just moved here from London, England and not knowing what she liked to eat I suggested going out for a bite to eat at In-N-Out. Who wouldn't be okay with eating a tasty cheeseburger along with fries and a shake? Not even a British person would deny this, a very beautiful Brit. We arrived at my car and she was a bit surprised at the sight of what I drove. I opened the door for her and then we were on our way. I decided to show off and I was speeding a bit, demonstrating the car's potential under the hood. We soon arrived at our destination and I ordered the same thing for both, a cheeseburger, fries and a large chocolate shake. We ate and talked more about each other over food and continued taking about 15 minutes after finishing eating. I felt like I had a crush already on this girl who I had just met. I drove her home and when I opened the door for her to get out, I gave her a small hug and a kiss on the cheek which she blushed and smiled at. " See ya tomorrow. " I said. I drove to pick up my sister at her boyfriend's house and then home. On our way home she asked, " how was your lunch date?" I blushed and said " it went well, but I think I'm crushing on her already. I think I'm going too fast and getting ahead of myself. " Once we arrived home, I just watched some tv waiting for one of my new favorite shows to come on which is Faking It. After the second season premier ended, I got ready for bed. I sent a goodnight text to Aliyah that said," I had a great time with you today and I can't wait to see you tomorrow Goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams☺" I kept thinking to myself that Aliyah was amazing and her beautiful smile kept appearing in my head until I fell asleep.

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