. T h e . D a y .

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{ C h a p t e r . 1 

A pimple here, a pimple there, otherwise, I looked quite okay. I ran my fingers through the dark brown curls in my hair, that nearly fell to my sides, and I carefully adjusted the nerdy, but stylish, looking glasses that's been helping my eyesight for as long as I could remember. One day, my mother even said she was surprised I haven't broken them yet! Before my older Sister had a chance to bang on the door again, I took one last look at myself in the mirror, twisted the lock, and swung open the door. "What were you doing in there? Putting on makeup?" I thought maybe being a 16 year old, my sister would understand that on every single occasion, you have to look decent. Even if today's "the day". 

"Oh, Nothing." I just shrugged my shoulders and headed towards my room, the only place I go to think, besides outside.  I plopped on my firm, little twin bed, wishing I was at School, telling all my Friends how scared I was about "the day". I wanted to listen to other people's feelings about it as well, and compare them to mine. I'm sure that would've made me a little more relaxed. 

  * * *  

I blinked once. I blinked twice. 3:30. I figured repeatedly blinking at the baby blue alarm clock perched on my dresser didn't help change time. I couldn't believe I'd been asleep for 3o minutes! Today's not the day to be taking Cat Naps!, I thought. Today's the day when families should be hovered over each other, praying to God their child won't get "picked". But I didn't feel like hovering over a Father that wasn't there for me when I was a child, or a Mother that does nothing but stands and stares while my Father beats my Sister and I. Besides, I'm only twelve, why should I be praying with Parents that don't care? I'd rather pray with my older sister, Skai. I slipped on my dirty, blue sneakers, that's been faded with age, and grabbed my jacket that hung in my tiny closet full of clothes that I could no longer fit. Racing down the stairs, I quickly bundled up in my black, wool jacket, and paused. I listened closely at the deep voice of the newsreporter that appeared on T.V every 6 and 11 o'clock, warn those who have children to be prepared. He explained about "the day", and the creator of the disaster. And the last words that came through his pristine clean teeth were, "Get Ready... 'cause they'll be here any time."

{Chapter 2 will be out soon!}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2012 ⏰

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