✦19 | With my heart and soul✦

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Fairy Tail - Dragon Slayer Ost Extended

Soon the speeches about peace, security and happiness reached a conclusion, that the buffet was opened without doing any other events. The act was necessary since the hosts couldn't be so ill-mannered to not feed the appetite of the large crowd of guests for any much longer, provided things started very late.

At that juncture, different individuals stood up from their respective seats with discipline, and tranquility as they begin to serve themselves.

Adults chatted while doing so, and kids with them gleefully looked as the attendants swished away the dish covers. Everything was being so cute and lovely. Nothing was out of place, it was a calm night for each breathing soul.

Well— not for one person.

Jimin was quite troubled with the thought of having to eat, or even dare touch his food by being before this whole mass of mob or anywhere near his in-laws AND the additional plus one is, he has to do all that with Jungkook.

Jungkook Hyung, who scolded me!

Not able to get over it yet, the boy bit his lip sneaking a quick gape at the older, who was sitting still (besides him of course), facing ahead, maybe thinking about something?

Jungkook hasn't spoken a single word to him since roastingly scolding him about an hour or roughly forty minutes ago and Jimin had slowly begin to feel sad, then depressed, then pouty and by the end, which delineates the present, it's just exasperating.

Right now, Jimin feels nothing but being ignored.

Very, very ignored!

like, how can he just ignore a full human, seated two breaths from him!???!

As if his voice got heard, Jungkook who has been noticing these side-glances since earlier exhaled a breath, that Jimin broke his stare away— nervously fiddling with his fingers outwardly and emotions inwardly.

Noting each of his pouts, Jungkook stood up from his seat, having contemplated to grab something for himself. The male took a step-up, leaving the couch, treading by the table and hiking few steps away from their carpeted flooring, before he halted raising brows and turned to observe at the still sitting boy.

whoa, still sulking.

Suddenly entertained, Jungkook pocketed his hands, watching the boy's sulky face, "will I have to pick you up or you'll come yourself?", he asked, voice collected and tint bits amused, feeling virtuous for he disciplined the boy earlier, who gets so affected by his small to slight statements.

The question Jungkook has considered since the day they've met is, how does Jimin even manages to use his duality of rudeness plus respect against him, to provoke him against his calm personality and then sulk by himself before apologizing all the same?

just how?

Jimin does so, with the quite handy skill and evil talent, that by now Jungkook has realized, he has battalions of.


Jungkook wants to choke Jimin or himself, then and there when the boy says even the small thought-taunting sentences.

Either this or that.


Jungkook suppressed the persistent need to declare all that aloud to the boy, with his explicitly intimidating smirk.

PRESTIGE - JIKOOK✔ (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now