Short Story

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"They say that every year on June 21st, the summer solstice, a harp appears on the riverside of the Conway River, or the Holy River, and stays there for 24 hours. It is waiting for the chosen one to find it."

            “What happens next?”

            “Have patients Dante.”

            “I do Grandpa Sam. I just want to know what happens next.”

            “Let me talk. When the chosen one finds the harp,” explains Grandpa Sam. ”the harp lures them to itself. When they reach it, they pick it up and start playing it.”

            “How so they know how to play the harp?” Dante asks

            “When they touch the harp, the harp teaches them when they start playing. Like every beauty there are consequences. When they start playing the harp, they can never stop.”


            “Because,” explains Grandpa Sam “the harp does something to them, puts them in a trance or something. I think the sound of the harp when they are playing it calms their mind and the harp takes it over.”

            “That would stink.” Dante replies.

Dante start to get up, when his mother yells, “Dante let your dog out and go say good night to your brother.”

            “Yes mom.” groans Dante “Creed! Come here boy!” Dante lets the two year old Doberman Pincher he got from his dad who got deployed 4 months ago. Creed comes inside. “Good boy!” Dante praises.

Dante goes upstairs, down the hall to the last door on the left. Dominic’s room. Dante opens the door to see Dominic playing on the floor with his cars.

“Hey bud.”

“”Dante!” Dominic exclaims.

“Time for you to go to bed.”

“Okay.” Dominic says walking across the room to his bed.

Dante follows him and gives him a hug and a kiss on top of his forehead. “Night Dom. Sleep tight.”

“Good night Dante.” Dominic yawns and falls asleep.

Why does he look up to me? Must be because I’m his big brother.” Dante thinks.

Dante goes to his room and lays on his bed listening to music. He looks at his calendar realizing that it’s June 20th today. He jumps up “It’s June 21st tomorrow!” He runs downstairs to his grandpa. “Grandpa Sam!” Exclaims Dante.

“Yes?” says Grandpa Sam not looking up from today’s paper “This paper here says that tomorrow in Madison, Virginia it is going to be at least 80 degrees.”

“About tomorrow. It’s the 21st of June.”

“Yes you can go.” Grandpa Sam replies

“What?” Dante questions

“You can go to Conway River, but you have to be back at 12:30 on Sunday.”

“Thank you Grandpa!” Dante replies “I will bring Creed with me.”

Dante goes upstairs to bed.


The next day, Dante gets up does his normal routine. He says goodbye to Grandpa Sam, Dominic, Mom, and Dad.

            “Dante, where are you going?” Dad asks

            “On an adventure dad.” Dante replies.

            “Okay. Have fun” Mom answers

Dante starts walking down the street when he sees his old teacher, Mr. Holmes.

            “Hello Dante.”

            “Hi, Mr. Holmes.” Dante replies.

            “You know, you remind me of Dominic when I see you.”


            “Yes. You have the same facial structure.” Mr. Holmes replies

            “How’s that?”

            “You both have those deep set cheekbones. I know you don’t have the same hair though. Yours is like a silver gray, while his is a dark brown.”

            “Oh. While I need to get going. Nice seeing you Mr. Holmes.”

            “You too Dante.” Mr. Holmes says walking away.

Dante has three more blocks to go. He turns right, the left, then right again. He arrives at the Conway River at approximately 9:44 a.m.

Dante crawls up the bank of the river and gasps, So, it is true,”He thought “It’s really true”

Then a girl is walking towards the harp. Dante remembers what Grandpa Sam said “Once they start playing, they can never stop.”

            “STOP! YOU NEED TO STOP! DON’T GO CLOSER!” Dante cries.

She doesn’t stop. She reaches the harp and she picks it up. “Come on Creed.” Dante says. “We need to get the harp away from her” They start running towards her. When they reach her Dante is too late. She starts playing. She sits down on the stump behind her.

            “You don’t need to worry. I like playing the harp” The girl says.

A tear rolls down Dante’s cheek. “I could’ve saved her.” Dante thinks

Dante falls to his knees and listens contently for a while when he asks “What’s your name?”

            “Zelda.” She replies


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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