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Lol i finally got round to writing this YEE

Bakugo watched as the black haired boy frolicked around the playground, giggling elatedly as he climbed to the top of the net and smiled triumphantly at him. Smiling back he climbed up to join him. The two of them watched as the sun set and Bakugo could feel the boy's anxiety climbing.

"What's wrong? we can always play tomorrow!" He stated as he turned back to the boy. The boy's grin faded and he looked at Bakugo with a hint of sadness before nodded slowly. He seemed to get an idea as he turned back to him though.

"Katsuki, when we're older, let's get married. That way we can play together forever!" Bakugo was taken aback by the boy's sudden proposal but he smiled nonetheless. Holding out his hand the two boys interlocked pinkie fingers.

"Promise." They chanted at the same time before giggling like the little idiots they were.

A distant voice called for Bakugo and he looked happily at his husband-to-be.

"See you tomorrow blackie" he shouted as he climbed back down the frame and ran off. He stopped a few metres away and waved. Chuckling the boy waved back, and then Bakugo ran off home to his mother.

Once the blonde had disappeared from sight he slowly climbed down from the frame and trudged home. His mother greeted him at the door with a kiss to his cheek.

"Did you get to say goodbye?" she asked. He nodded sadly and she sighed, patting his head.

"Don't worry love, you'll get to see him again if it's meant to be." He watched his mum pack the last of their things into the car and cried silently to himself. He didn't want to go away, he wanted to stay here forever, with him.


Arriving home Bakugo ran into the door happily.

"Mum! Mum! I'm getting married!" He shouted excitedly. Mitsuki stopped what she was doing and smiled down at her son. Setting down her cooking knifes she sat down on the couch and Bakugo jumped up beside her excitedly.

"Who's the lucky girl Katsuki?" She asked with a smile but Bakugo shook his head.

"Not a girl mummy a guy. The boy down the road with the black hair and scar over his eye" Mitsuku looked at him sadly when he described the boy. For a second he got scared, what if she didn't like him liking boys? But what she said next felt far worse than that

"Katsuki love, they're moving away today." He felt the whole world freeze. The colours seemed to fade away from the world and it all became black and white. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"Does that mean... We can't?" Mitsuku shook her head and pulled him into a hug.

"Not Katsuki, it jus means you won't be able to see them for a while. But as long as you keep them in your heart he'll come back." Bakugo sniffed and nodded bravely. Still holding him she wen outside with him and placed him on the grass outside before pointing down the road.

"Run as fast as you can that way,and if you're lucky you'll see him before he's gone." Nodding he sprinted off down the road. His years of playing out in the forest meaning his stamina was excellent. As he ran he spotted a large silver car in the middle of the road, slowly pulling away.

"WAIT!" He called after the car. The back window rolled down and the boy poked his head out.

"Don't go!" Bakugo screamed after the car, tears now falling down his face." The boy simply looked back at him sadly before opening his mouth to shout back.

"Don't forget me Katsuki! Rember my name is..........


Bakugo sat up suddenly, tears brimming from his eyes at the memory. He took a few seconds to calm down and steady his breathing. It was always this same dream. He should have expected it, he was moving to a new college and maybe, just maybe he would get to see him again.

But his name.

No matter how hard he tried the dream never told him his name. It always stopped just before. With a sigh he wiped the tears from his eyes and got out of bed. The digital clock displayed 5:30am. Getting into some sport clothes he went out for his morning run, a now daily routine to clear his head of all thoughts.

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