Bring him back(part 1)

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I woke up to the sounds of mama yelling and punishing Liam but this time is was worse she screamed insults and made him strip down to his boxers
Samantha: Darling you should be asleep don't worry mama is only showing this Devil what happens when you be gay
The whole time Liam was quiteas if being hit constantly had completely damaged his nerve system


I was bandaging buba when I heard a loud noise mama had just left 1 hour ago making it 3pm The door bursts open as Liam grabs my hand and a bag full of I have no clue whats inside he walked to a man who bent down to our level because not only are we kids we're short kids
???: Hey I'm Rossi I'm here to help you 2 but you need to tell me where your mother went
I wasn't gonna say anything and Liam would never do anyth-
Liam: She's at the hub downtown by the mayor's statue
Rossi nodded gave us blankets and left You: What the heck
Liam: What
You: Are you insane she'll kill us if she found out we ratted her out
Liam: How do you think they knew how to get here were in the middle of a forest I told them sent a message yesterday when I was erasing her files as I was about to scream at him another man came up to us her had darker skin and kinda bald
???: Hey kiddos, you wanna come hang with me and my friend
I still mad at my brother went with the man thinking that I could get away from my twin but he came to
???: I'll take that as a yes , I'm Morgan by the way
You: I'm y/n
Liam: You know my name already
We kept walking till we stoped by a man who kinda reminded me of Liam just the different colors of course the man is skinny and doesn't seem very strong
Morgan:This is my co-worker Dr.reid
Liam : aren't you a little to young to be a doctor
Reid: aren't you a little to young to now how to hack and code and what else you may do
Liam smirked
Liam:'i like this one'
Reid gave us a juice box then as I was about to ask them if mama ok I see Liam dragged away by mama but no one noticed I ran up to Morgan
Morgan: ok which direction did the go
I knew he was acting bubba taught me to read someone's eyes for their real emotion I knew he was being brave so I wouldn't freak . I pointed where I saw mama take him
Morgan:  ok go and stay by Reid don't leave his side ok
He and some other people where about to leave but I grabbed his jacket he looked at me as I said
You:Please bring him back .....


I realized that Liam is kinda more of the victim than you are so I decided you have separation anxiety when your apart from Liam for more than 3 minutes you begin to think about the worst outcome possible and have panic attacks and sometimes an episode

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