Chapter One

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 “We are not a cult, not a secret organization. There is no sacred worship of some ancient deity here. We aren’t a bunch of crazies stuck under one roof. The Coven is our home, and we are a family.”

That has been our motto for over one hundred years. Ever since Alain Ivy first created this place. It sums up The Coven pretty well for the newcomers. Though, of course, that is not all we are about. Most people don’t believe the truth when they first come around. At least not until thye see what some of us can do. Our dirty little secret is actually very simple. It can be summed up in one little word: witches. Before you even think it, no we are not tiny, old, green ladies who wear pointy hats and fly around on brooms. All of us are actually very normal. We’re not that different from regular humans. Unless you count those of us who can form fireballs in our hands, read mind, or control the weather. Or those that can removed  a person’s lungs with just a blink of an eye…. Okay, maybe we’re a lot different from normal people. All of us would be considered freaks of nature to the outside world. But, hey, people always say the outcasts band together, right?


“You know we have a test in Advanced Spells today, right?” Dark eyes snapped up at the voice above her. Standing there was a young witch whose blonde hair was pulled into a messy bun, and who was dressed in a worn pair of sweatpants with a t-shirt. And she looked just as frazzled as Sabrina felt. 

 “Seriously? How could I forget about that?” The question was directed more towards herself as Sabrina scrambled up from the bean bag she’d been lounging on. Advanced Spells was one of the hardest classes Sabrina had ever taken, and there was no way she could afford to bomb a test this late in the semester. It’d compromise the string of As she had in her classes.

 She gave the witch a hurried smile, “Thanks, Adelaide! I completely forgot about the test. So I’m gonna go cram as fast as a I can before class starts. Or else Willow is gonna beat me.”

 Adelaide snorted, “Yeah, right. She loves you far too much to ever do that.”

 Sabrina smirked, giving a shrug at the words. “Of course she does. Which I’m lucky for, ‘cause she’s got the power to fail me and everyone else in that class…” She paused, “Which, by the way, would suck more than anything.” 

 After chatting for a few moments longer with Adelaide, Sabrina began to make her way back up to her bedroom. But before she could reach the comfort of her bed, she realized that her phone was no longer in her pocket. A small sigh, mixed with a curse, fell from her lips as she turned around to head back to the foyer. Her trip was interrupted when a loud blast froze her in plaee. The sound had come from the potions rooms, which wasn’t such an unusual thing. It was actually very common. One simple mistake in making a potion could set the entire second floor on fire. But still, the problem could be serious. So, sighing as she went, Sabrina turned on her heel to inspect the damage. As she came to the door, she cautiously turned the knob, peeking her head inside. What she found was a dark brown ooze dripping off of the ceiling, and a terrified young warlock staring at her. With one eyebrow raised she walked over to him and eyed the mess. 

 “Wanna tell me what happened here, kid?”

 He sputtered out an answer, “Uh, I-I was trying to make a healing potion.”

 Sabrina nodded slowly, “And obviously that didn’t work out too well for you.”

 The boy shook his head, looking down abashedly to his feet. “I’m sorry, Miss Nevian. I didn’t mean to mess it up, I promise! I’ll go clean it up right now!” He began shuffling toward the large closet in the room, the potion making his clothes stick to his skin. He looked absolutely awful, and Sabrina felt pity bubble up in her gut. 

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