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Consumed by your feint,

I consented you to impair me,

Betray my trust,

Break my confidence,

But yet again,

You made me the person I am today...

You edified me to love without question,

Feel for others,

Even when they don't deserve to be felt for.

My instincts are always precise,

But not this time,

As I couldn't prepare for the destruction,

You instigated.

Your smile,

Your laugh,

Your kindness,

Was all a deceit,

As you awaited,

My faith in you.

"Gave you the best,

Best years of my life, and I,

Gave you a woman,

Who stood by your side,

Through all your ups and downs,

Your rights and all your wrongs.

God knows there were wrongs,

I should have been long gone."

This may be the end of the journey for us,

But it's the introduction of my life,

Without you.

"I won't sympathize,

You've hurt me for the last time,

And I ain't got no tears left to cry,

No more."

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