Patis & Luna oneshot?.

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Luna: hey Paris?

Paris: hey Luna?

Luna: Hey you're cool!
*suddenly I cringed as I felt my rectum stretch a little wider, signalling something was coming out, then my booty flaps parted as a log shot out of my booty, I looked back, shedding a single tear as I saw the log plummet towards the ground in slow motion, it smashed against the ground, making a sploosh sound as it was splatting onto the white tile floor of my new house.*


Luna: Paris?

Luna: Paris I know it was bad, please forgive me 😔

Paris: that was awful my child😔

Luna: I know, I'm sowwy, I'll go delete it if it helps

Paris: 👌


Luna: hey Paris?

Paris: hey luna?

Luna: message deleted.

Paris: 😔👏👏👏

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