Chapter One

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It was quiet in the car. Too quiet. The only sound was my own breathing and I knew that they could probably hear it even louder than I did myself. We had been driving for the whole night and the sun would soon come up, so they needed shelter. The decaying houses on the side of the road didn't look very inviting but we would probably stop at one of them to spend the day there.

James was starring straight ahead his eyes on the road, giving no indication as to what he was thinking. Dean on the other hand, had been watching me in the side mirror for most of the drive and I had an uncomftably clear idea as to what was on his mind. Just act like you don't notice it, I had been telling myself over and over again but that didn't really work. Every now and again my eyes would dart to him and I would meet his burning stare.

"What about that one?" James was pointing at a house that didn't look too bad, except for a few broken windows. 

"Sure, whatever," Dean replied without taking his eyes off me. James pulled the car over and after a painful six hour drive we finally came to a stop. Before any of us could exit the car, James sighed and said:" It's not her fault Dean and you know that." So he had been noticing the stares as well.

"Why the fuck should I know that. As far as I'm concerned it is her fault and I think she deserves a punishment." He had now turned around and was looking at me directly. 

"Thats not fair...," I replied weakly but Dean interrupted me before I could say anything else in my defense. "Oh really Princess, you don't think it's fair. Well, lets look at the evidence, shall we? It took us two month to find the fucking idiot and you let him escape because you were too weak. What kind of witch are you, that you can't do five minutes of magic before you have to lie down and rest for a week? If  James hadn't kept on whining that we still need you I would've drained every last drop of blood out of your useless body a long time ago." With that he got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. 

I felt like someone had dumped a bucket of icewater over me. But what had I expected? From the moment I had joined them to hunt down and kill a mutated vampire, Dean had been very vocal about the fact the he thought the only things I was good for were using me for my blood or other pleasures. The only thing James had replied to that was: We need her, she will be very useful. 

I got out of the car and slowly walked towards the house that we would be staying in. Theoretically I didn't need shelter from the sun because I was human or at least close to it but since I had joined the two vampires my sleep cycle had allinged with theirs. When I entered the house a familiar eerie feeling overcame me. Seeing overturned furniture and broken glass on the floor always made me think of the things that happened to make it look like this.

I was startled out of my thoughts when James came up behind me. "Come on, you can sleep with me," he said without looking at me and then walked up the stairs. I followed him and gratefully accepted his offer. We both knew that I already hadn't been very safe when Dean was still only joking about hurting me. Now I wasn't sure that I wouldn't wake up with his fangs buried in my neck. 

The room James chose had boarded up windows und a bed that didn't look like it was built for two people. He gave me a short look before laying down on one side and closing his eyes. I followed his example and tried not to tense up when our bodies touched. He could feel my warmth, hear my heartbeat but apart from him moving his arm when we touched, for all I knew I could be lying next to a corpse. I wasn't worried about him touching or hurting me in any way. He had just lost the only women he ever loved and I was pretty sure that he wasn't interested trying to forget about her by forcing himself on me.

Outside a new day was dawning but in the dark room an exhausting night was ending and I finally fell asleep.

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