Mountain Biomes

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Most mountainous biomes are uninhabitable due to either how steep they are how come Bailey or they're being beasts and other creatures living on them, but the ones that are habitable, stay or section by tiers. The temperature ranges from 10 Celsius(50 f) on its warmest days to -6.66667 Celsius(20 f) on its coolest days. Though most that live in the mountains are extremely wealthy, there are still cultural and economic differences.

Lower tier tends to wear loose fit clothing that is single layered that is a cotton-like material due to the weather being relatively warm year-round. Most tend to be students learning to enhance their learning or careers or high-income families. Their buildings to be built into the mountain.

Mid-tier is the cheer that often times has the wealthier and more fashionable group of people but it is also slightly colder. That being said most people tend to wear baggier clothes to keep the heat. It is not uncommon to see most of them wearing a wool-like material or Clerks and fur capes to keep them warm a lot of the times they also tend to wear masks discard their mouths that way they can breathe in warmer air and darker clothing that where they can absorb the Heat. They tend to be workers of higher-end companies often times owning them or living up there off of life savings.

The highest tier tends to be mostly businesses schools shops and corporations. Not to include some apartments and condos that gives them the best view of most of the world. This is deemed as the chaotic City Life and things are always moving and never still. The people there wear heavy baggy clothes to keep warm due to the cool climates 

Most if not all of them( outside of foreigners) either are unaware of magic or they do not use Magic because of the fact that they are mostly technology-based and Magic is not needed to build or create since they have most of their protection from the mountain itself. Despite the cool weather, top tier is a really high tourist attraction. Alot of the vegetation is imported but the meats are freshly caught and cooked

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