She's Back

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"Hey, the COD is back!"

While Gumshoe had been chatting animatedly with Phoenix and Maya, one of his subordinates shouted across the Global Studios walkway at him. The three stood by the gate separating the walkway from the other two studios. Phoenix was investigating the murder of Jack Hammer, or at least trying to get as much information as he could from Detective Gumshoe before his trial tomorrow.

The detective furrowed his brow at the officer over Phoenix's shoulder before registering the comment. Gumshoe's warm brown eyes lit up, raising a fist into the air and whooping.

"The Chief is back! Hopefully now we will have this case open and shut!"

Phoenix scratched the side of his face awkwardly as Maya spoke up.

"Who's the 'COD'? Some kind of omniscience fish?"

Gumshoe chuckled, before realizing that the girl was serious in her query.

"You've never heard of LA's finest?! She's a legend! Our Chief of Detectives..." he continued to grumble, discontent under his breath.

Maya opened her mouth to counter Gumshoe's following accusations, quickly interrupted by another female's voice that approached them from behind.

"Hey, Gumshoe! It's been a while---oh...Nick!"

The defense attorney turned and gapped at a woman in a dark grey fabric coat, her dark red hair vibrant in the sunlight. There was an LAPD patch sewn onto her coat, her gun holstered but visible at the waist of her dark pants. A white blouse was accompanied by a black tank top underneath her coat. Her green eyes locked onto Phoenix instantly.


Gumshoe protested behind him.

"That's CHIEF BELL to you, pal!"

Amy chuckled, waving her hand dismissively at Gumshoe. "Relax, Dick, Phoenix and I go way back." The redhead reached out to the lawyer with open arms, inviting him in for a hug. She beamed at him, as the man accepted her hug with a smile. Maya continued to look confused.

"Hey, Nick? What's going on here?"

The two old friends pulled away to face their companions. Phoenix spoke first.

"We went to school together, until college."

"Yeah, but I heard about that whole...Dahlia thing---"

Phoenix choked and proceeded to roll his eyes.

"Ugh, don't even go there."

"Anyway," Amelia turned to Gumshoe and extended a hand to gesture to him. "We gotta head out for a bit. Miles wants to speak with us."

Gumshoe recoiled visibly, glancing away and scratching the back of his neck nervously. Phoenix blanched at the mention of their old friend Edgeworth.

"Wait, you're working with Edgeworth too? So you already knew...'

The woman pulled down the set of aviator sunglasses than had been sitting atop her head. They fell securely over her eyes as she began to drag her detective towards the main gate of Global Studios.

"Sorry Nick, we will have to catch up later. Miles will get his little cravat in a knot if we're don't get a move on."

And just like every other odd character the defense team had met up to this point, she was gone with Gumshoe in tow toward the entrance, heavily guarded by Wendy Oldbag.

Maya and Phoenix shared disappointed expressions.

Well there goes their easy lead.

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