1 | Never Met Someone Like You | Zaniel

687 13 17

Note: Chapters with an asterisk contain mature content.

Summary: As actors, Zach Herron and Daniel Seavey hold animosity towards the other. But perhaps that tension is something else other than hatred?

Zach Herron caressed the older man's face, gently leaning in. He could smell mint, probably from the gum the man chewed on a moment earlier. The blue eyes looked solemnly back, lips parted slightly.

Zach clenched his jaw, for a moment thinking, what would this mean later on?

"Cut!" The director is already standing up from her chair, dark eyebrows creasing together in a perpetual frown. "Look, you two are the main characters! We want the audience to feel this moment, brace themselves for what's to come. You two look like you're planning for the other to attack, for God's sake—"

"It's Daniel's fault," Zach replied crossly. "He's annoying to look at."

Daniel shot a glare, the initial calmness evaporated. "How do you think I feel, staring at your ugly face?"

Zach flushed, and the two unconsciously leaned closer in, nose-to-nose. Daniel was gifted with blue eyes and had a tooth gap that managed to look endearing—he didn't need to flaunt the fact that he was gorgeous. Zach on the other hand was stuck with average brown hair and eyes, and a face that looked like he was blushing all the time.

"You two are full-grown adults! Let's be mature about this—" the director began, but could not regain their attention to any avail. The brunets, as usual, were arguing over the stupidest things. It was like they had their own drama show, with pent-up sexual frustration for each other but were too oblivious to notice. "It's too damn early to be listening to this crap. I need coffee! Roberta?"

Her assistant scurried over, while the camera crew waited expectantly, not really caring since they were being paid by the hour.

"Sorry we can't all be as nerdy as you," Zach scoffed. "Do you vomit out the dictionary in hope to impress someone? Sorry nobody told you this, but most people use you for boredom."

"At least I know how to pronounce 'apocalypse'!"

"That was one time."

"Try three. You're like the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. You know, the one without a brain."

"Well you're that Wicked Witch who melted!"

"How does that even make—"

"Hey! I said let's start the scene over!" The director was short, reaching the height of barely 5'3, but still maintained intimidation. She also swore that she'd get a heart attack from these actors—already there was stress with meeting deadlines and talking with the producers. "Zachary Dean Herron, do you want me to call your mom!"

"Okay, I get it," Zach replied hurriedly. He did not want any of his family to watch him film. The fact that he starred in a television show with a guy, well, they were accepting, but it was weird. Nobody would want a family member to watch them kiss someone else.

"Ready, set, action!"

Daniel Seavey cleared his throat, and coughed, knowing this would rile up the younger boy's nerves. He looked up at the "sky" and said softly, "it's beautiful tonight."

"Yeah. It is." Zach turned to him, an uncertain smile flickered across his face. "Daniel—"

"Cut! His name is Diego, not Daniel. You remember that, or do I need you all to call you by your character's names again?"

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