My Love (boy x boy)

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  • Dedicated to Anthony G


I stood there staring at him like a lost puppy, wondering if he even knew my name, let alone knew that i liked him. Suddenly, he turned around, I immediately put my head down and pretended writing, Did he see me staring at him?

Hopefully, he didn't then he asked me, "Umm what are we supposed to be doing?" he said, his sky blue eyes looking into my eyes. It was like those eyes could see right into my soul and see my deepest, darkest secrets.

"Ummmm..." I completely froze, dammit,

"Reading Chapter 1 in our books and then completing the assessment at the end of the chapter." My best friend Samantha said,

"Thanks." he said and turned back around. Urgh!! I'm such an idiot! My one chance to talk to him and i blew it, now he probably thinks I'm weird,

"Smooth moves, Ricky." Samantha whispered,

"Shut up." I said.

"I'm just saying, you aren't gonna get him to notice you like that." She said,

she was right but i didn't know how i could get him to notice me,

"I know." I said,

"Well, you've got alot of obstacles in your way, I'm just saying."

"Thanks for the encouragement, Sam." I said sarcastically,

"Oh, you are so welcome Richard." she said, and we both laughed,

"Shhhh!!!" Mrs. Jones said, spitting on everyone in the front row, luckily we were in the last row.

I continued to fantasize about a life with a boyfriend like Blake, with his luscious pink lips and perfect body, I could go on forever, how we would lay in the grass, watching the sunset and the he would come over me and give me a kiss and say, "I love you," it would be beyond perfect, but i had to talk to him first then we could get into the kissing and "other stuff," Oh how great that would be!! I snapped back into reality once the bell rang,

"Finish the assignment for homework." Mrs. Jones said as we walked out the door.


I watched him leave the room, not knowing that i knew he was staring at me and that i desperately wanted to get to know him, but he just got so nervous when I spoke to him, I wasn't sure if he was going to say something to me. I knew it was now or never, so I grabbed my things and ran after him. The hallways were so crowded I had to carefully manuever through waves of people, I was almost there I could see him and as soon as I caught up to him, I tripped and bumped inti him and dropped all of my books,

"I am so sorry!" I said bending over to grab my books,

"It's fine, here let me help-" he turned around and saw that it was me, he froze again, C'mon say something, already! I said to him in my mind,

"Umm, let me help you." he said awkwardly, and bent down collecting some of my papers and handing them to me,

"Thanks." I said, and looked up at his eyes and instantly he looked up at me and before i knew it we were staring into each other's eyes,

"Hey, Blake, why don't you come sit with us at lunch?" Richard's friend said,

"Great idea Samantha. Yeah,...why don't you?" Richard said without looking away from my eyes, I snapped out of it and blinked,

"Ummm...sure" I said, blushing. Richard and I stood up, and Samantha whispered something in Richard's ear and the three of us walked to the cafeteria.

"So, Blake, what do you look for when you ar trying to find a girlfriend??" Samantha asked, What a random question! and how do i answer it, I'm gay, i think, so do I just come out and say it, or just pretend I'm straight and play "Hard to get" with Richard? My hesitation caught Richard's attention,

"Ummm...well i don't know." I said, i didn't have to make a choice just yet, i wasn't ready, it seemed to disappoint Richard,

"C'mon you must have a type." Samantha said, desperately trying to get out the answer that she wanted,

"I'm starving, I'll be right back." I said, and got up,

"We'll be here waiting til you get back." Samantha said and i walked to the lunch line.


Blake had got up to go get lunch, which bought me a couple of minutes,

"What were you thinking?" I said to Sam,

"What's it look like? I'm trying to get you a boyfriend." Sam said,

"Well then don't." I said, immediately regretting what i had said,

"Well when he gets back, you better say something to him or I'll tell him everything." she threatened, i knew she was serious and i couldn't have her telling Blake how i felt about him,

"Okay, okay I'll talk to him, but what do you want me to say?" I said,

"Tell him how you feel." Samantha said. I knew it was gonna be hard but it was bound to happen sooner or later. I had to be strong and tell him,

"Ok." I said and swallowed all the fear and doubt deep inside of me and I waited until Blake got his lunch.

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