8. I T'S N O T A D A T E

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Ivy's P

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Ivy's P.O.V

I never anticipated to see myself laughing and smiling with Chace, since my initial goal was to ruin this outing by being as uncooperative and reticent as possible. I would like to think it is the purple fruity drink I had which is slowly starting to settle in, but the sincerity behind his aquamarine eyes is what actually gave it away.

My lips are feverishly numb as I discretely run my fingers through them. I can still feel Chace's prepossessing lips on top of mine, his tongue, the sweet taste of nicotine mixing with the saliva in my mouth, his strong arms protectively wrapped around my waist, forcing me to give in to his soothing touches. What made me not want to push him back and not say 'stop' earlier?

Sure, I did have my fair share of kisses with guys who had good lips but none of them had the capacity to drive me wild, making me want more the way Chace made me feel. After my breakup with Ethan, whom I at least thought I had a so called "connection" with, I swore I would never get into relationships till I finished my three years of college and that my newly established "Never had my first kiss" would be with someone special. Someone who would make it feel special.

Is Chace that certain someone? Because to me, it wasn't just a kiss. I felt the sparks, I felt the fire ignite and I never knew it could lead to something much more meaningful.

His booming laugh catches me off guard, and suddenly we are back to playing twenty one questions. For how long did I zone out?

Lester's is this cozy grill where they serve the best spaghetti and meatballs. A lot of well known celebrities, especially singers like, John Mayer, Ed-Sheeran, Ellie Goulding and Juliet Simms come here to perform occasionally.
Last I heard the Foo Fighters played last week. There's a huge stage at the backyard where they have cute bean bags instead of chairs, trees decorated with fairy lights and you can comfortably sit back and relax.

They even conduct jazz nights and slam poetries on Thursday's and movie nights on Friday's. I think this is going to be my future favorite hang out spot. "Your turn," I direct my focus back at Chace, who looks even more attractive when he is smiling. Crap. Where and with what do I start off with?

Thankfully the waitress arrives on time with our food, placing our dinner on the table. "Enjoy your meal." she gives Chace a wink and adjusts her uniform, exposing a little more of her cleavage. Chace winks back, watching her deliberately shake her ass as she goes to attend another table. Why isn't this surprising?

"What's the question?" He asks, twisting the pasta around his fork and bringing it to his mouth. "Did you and that waitress hookup?" I blurt out.

He laughs. "Irene and me? Nah. She's like that with everyone, especially with the regulars." Right. I slice the meatballs in half ignoring the jealous constriction in my heart.


       (Imagine chace staring at Ivy like this💖 Anyone who also fancies Dan Stevens?😍)

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       (Imagine chace staring at Ivy like this💖
Anyone who also fancies Dan Stevens?😍)

Chace's P.O.V

Hurricane gets up to use the washroom once she is done eating. She looks cute when she is jealous, a slight crease appearing in between her brows. I ask her to meet me at the patio outside, placing a fifty in the check book. Doesn't she know that she is the only one I want? The only girl I need, who has managed to capture my heart in such a short span?

Doesn't she realize the reason behind, me not mentioning, nor apologizing for the kiss we shared, is because it meant something to me as well?

"She is quite the catch," I turn to look at Irene who steps outside lighting a cigarette. "Kindly elaborate on why was that necessary?" She asks, taking a long drag, the smoke curling into the air.

I rake a hand through my hair not knowing what to answer. It just was. "The ass shaking wasn't a part of the deal." I retort, snatching the cigarette away from her fingers and putting it into my mouth. "It's because you are in love with her, aren't you?" Irene smiles, lighting another stick. "It's not love, It's bloody infatuation." I lie, hoping that would shut her up. I am in no mood to discuss anything about my love life or the way Hurricane makes my body tingle just by the image of her angelic face popping in my head.

"You are a terrible liar,"Irene drops the cigarette on the floor crushing it with her shoe.
"I think she's the one." She pats my shoulder before walking back in. I take another long drag and toss it into the bin with perfect aim.

The whole purpose of this evening was because of my desire to see that tantalizing smile of hers, not giving her any reason to be alone or the feeling she can't depend on anyone. I want hurricane to see the real picture. Now that I know what her laughter sounds like, I don't want anybody else stealing away the happiness which only I can provide.

She gives me reasons, excuses, to be around her at all times. It is too soon classify this as "Love." All I ever want is for her to feel the same way, the way I feel about her.

I want her to want me.

𝐈𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now