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A kingdom.

In a small old-fashioned castle,

An entire imaginative universe is scured inside this castle borders.

Guardians of the galaxy scures it.

Highly ranked warriors were patrolling at night, making sure nothing or no-one flees.

Walls were high, high enough to block sky vision with rough tough metal walls.

Surrounded by walls, massive walls.


Outside world was a dream.

How will it be to decamp to out there?

As watching birds flying like a miracle,

Screwing gravity in some measures and in wrong prospectives.

The feeling of not being alone locked.

Always wounder how is it like to fly,

To have wings,

To go high in sky,

To touch fluffy clouds.

To escape sins and curses.

To reach the stary sky.

Screw all problems aside.

Will they one day walk out in free nature?

Will they see the full blue sky again?

Will they breathe clear air?

Will the green colour of nature mother casts a spell on them?

How will it be like to be free from cuffs?

They've got used to do same stuff everyday in the same place.



Mind wonders in the unknown,

wants to experience a new life, to

learn new skills.

Hoping to release those cuffs from their ankles and palms that stick them to ground.

Hoping to go and explore.

Hoping to flee from this cage.

They want new.

They want to wander under shinny stars.

They want to feel again.

Kill ration with blades.

Find the lost key.

There is only

One choice,

Jump out!

Break cage's bars.

Go wonder.

Shining do really trick.

It was a coup de main.

They never knew that,

When you fly,

You are under a threat of falling.

You are under a threat of being chased.

You are under a threat of being eaten.

You are under a threat of getting caught in traps.

You are not in save zone anymore.

You are under a threat of dying.

It is true that you might want to die,

But still,

Every day you wake up and you do thank yourself for staying alive, unconsciously though.

One wrong step could make you fall in a bottomless hole.

Lies and masks.

All been removed.

Truth came home.

Everything was perfect from far away.

Keep rolling your eyes.

Maybe you'll find a brain back there.


See the hell you have dreamt of.

See the feint you have chosen.

See, you have shouldn't have left.

You had nothing to lose back there.

You had everything.

Memories revoke old moments.

Let the flames of your choices burn you.

Don't say you won't feel it.

You will suffer the pain.

You will sorrow your pity self.

In hope one day,

When you can casually return back to your old cage,

You will feel scure.

And thank these walls for protecting you all along.

My last words Will be 'are you fucking kidding me?'


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