Artemis - Part 1

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Artemis POV


I admit if someone looked at me they might have a problem with shutting their mouth. It wouldn't matter if they were male of female, I just look that great. Sure I'm only 5'1" which is pretty short compared to my brother Morpheus, but heels are always a girls best friend. Not to mention with my straight glossy brown hair that reaches down to my hips, I have perfect white teeth, bright green eyes and look like a soon to be model. That's not the only amazing thing about me though, I just happen to be one of the few werecats left in America.

When I'm in my cat form I look like a huntress even if I'm rather small compared to other felines in the world. Mean sure calico's are pretty rare in normal cats, but imagine how rare they are with werecats. Just another thing that makes me more special compared to your average teenage werecat. Of course I have no problems being special, in my honest opinion everyone should pay attention to me and no one else. My brother Morpheus constantly tells me that I won't have any friends thinking like this, but I've already proved to him that everyone is my friend.

Mean sure they aren't 100% my friends, why would I be careless enough to let anyone that close. Yet with one little wink and a smile, everyone is on their knees wanting to be friends. I don't even have to do homework or projects since all the nerdy kids willingly do it to stay on my good side. All in all, It's great being the Queen of Roofer High School.

Bringing up nerdy kids Yuna the slightly on the overweight side chick who constantly annoys me, was running up the hallway hands waving with what I assumed to be my math homework. She wasn't just any normal fat chick she happened to be a weredog. A young one at that, even though she's only a year younger than me. Yet as the saying goes, cats mature faster than dogs, and dogs are to dumb to know it.

I leaned against the lockers and as Yuna got closer still running as hard as she could, I stuck my right foot out tripping her. She let out a loud "oof' sound as the kids in the hallway started to laugh. I bent down and faked being worried, as my left hand snaked out and grabbed the slightly crumpled paper she clutched in her hands.

"Oh Yuna are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't realize my foot was in the way! Is that my math homework? Ahh it's crumpled up." I pouted as I looked at the crumpled paper then down at Yuna.

She blinked away soon to be tears and whispered sorry and that she wouldn't mess my next homework up . I smirked and walked away leaving her in a ball on the floor. I'll admit it, when it comes to nerds, especially nerdy weredogs I'm a complete bitch, as is my right. Mean come on, werewolves are one thing, they're actually are pretty cool. Weredogs, what are they suppose to be? Pets for normal humans, since they sure as heck can't hunt or fight or anything.

The bell for class to start ringed and I covered my ears, scrunching my nose slightly. Sad part about turning sixteen recently, all my senses are more heightened. Sure it made me a better hunter but high school bells are rather loud and annoying. The bells also meant that I had to hurry up or face another write up for being late to class. I sprinted down the hallway and turned into my math class, right as the late bell rang.

Today had to be my lucky day, since Mrs. Rachel wasn't in the room yet. Walking fast I went to my seat in the back, hitting my brother Morpheus on the head when he gave me a disapproving look. To think he disapproves of me being a little late for class and he failed his math last year. I partially blame it on the fact that his math teacher was a werecat by the name of Miss Paws. He was to focused on trying to get her to be his mate then passing his class. Who can blame him though, female werecats in America are so rare that most males have to travel to another country to find a mate.

After the semester had ended, Miss Paws moved to a different state. Leaving my poor brother to get depressed and turn into a total man slut. Not that the normal teenage girls minded, none of them could stop gossiping if he even looked at them. Of course I don't see the appeal, sure in his human form he looks rather handsome for a teenage guy. As a cat he looks rather plain, maybe if he was orange instead of black and grey. It's sad thinking that he might never find a mate, where every male werecat in America would be chasing after me for a chance. Not that I would honestly give them one, I had my eyes on someone already.

Problem with that is, the guy I so happened to dream and drool about turns out to be a vampire. So he didn't even care to look at me. I guess that sums up what my plan for the year is. Turn Cole, the hottest male vampire within a 100 miles into my ultimate man slave. You gotta admit it's a better plan than trying to rule the whole world. At least fate decided to help me out slightly by putting Cole into all of my classes this semester.


Authors Note

Well I hope you enjoyed what I've written so far. Also tell me what you think about Artemis! Just a little info about where my idea for this story came from. Between me and my friends with have animals, a mix of cats and dogs, and after watching them play or run from each other I got a random idea to write a story about how they would act as human/were's. So this my attempt, hopefully I'll catch the attitude of the real life animals well enough in the fictional story. (Since Artemis in real life does seem a bit preppy and like she owns the world)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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