Team Jay-Mc

13 4 2

Kayla lay in bed bored as hell

Jay had been here an hour ago

She sighed and turned in bed as she continued to stare at the last  message she had received from him.

They'd been texting ever since Jay left.

And now,it was a little past midnight.


When her Dad had insisted she stay home away from school the whole week with reference to her little incident on Monday,she had pretty much objected to the whole idea

A week felt too much.

She sure as hell didn't like being at  school that much,but she wasn't open to stay away that long.

Too much.

Up until Dad proposed he would stay home with her.


She had needed not so much convincing.

There was no way she was going to pass up such an opportunity

To spend time with her Dad. 

Not even if it meant staying up at night because she felt bored and exhausted to the core from having spent most of the day in bed.

She was a daddy's girl first

Proud and not ashamed of it.

This was boring.

The girls and him had come to visit too

And it did help,but it was still not the same as them being together at school.


Although she had really wanted to see his face when he met her Dad.

That would have been something priceless.
The look on his face.

She sat up in the bed wondering why her Dad had to have gone out to get dinner at that very moment.

He had cost her a good show.

Jay had been here everyday though

And it had really been comforting

His presence

What he stood for

A sense of balance and familiarity.

She sighed again.

She had to make up her mind

And fast too.


He was the reason she couldn't reply to his last message

And him

He was the reason she felt so guilty.

He'd asked her the same question the last few days and she had been lamely ignoring it.

But he knew.

She could bet anything that when she would tell him in the morning that she'd fallen asleep while they texted

He would not believe her.

Not a one little bit of it.

He knew she was doing it on purpose.

But who could really blame her.

Yesterday's Happiness ( Growing Up )Where stories live. Discover now