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So umm, yeah. I take requests. I'll do basically everything except smut.

You can leave your requests here!


Eddie was falling. He can feel himself rushing towards the ocean, watching the rocket explode above him. He slows down, Venom forming a parachute to slow their fall. The smell of Venom burning fills his nose.

Goodbye, Eddie.

He crashes into the water. Pain explodes across his body. His lungs burn. He tried to swim, tried to break through to the surface, but he was too weak. A feeling of emptiness flooded through him as he sank further and further under, the silence in his head agonizing.

Having Venom be ripped away from him for the second time was unbearable. He had no desire to swim to the surface. The one being in his life that had made him feel important and gave his life meaning was gone. He cried out, desperately wanting a reply.

"Venom? VENOM!" Eddie yelled, shooting straight up in bed. He was covered in sweat, breathing heavily. His entire body trembled as his eyes fluttered open, heart racing as he glanced frantically around the room.

Black seeped out of his chest, forming the face of his love. Their milky white eyes glistened in the moonlight as they stared at their host, eyes narrowing in concern.

"Are you okay, Eddie?" they asked.

"I-" he choked on his breath, tears blurring his vision. "I thought I lost you..."

More black poured out of him as Venom formed an upper body, wrapping their arms around him. Eddie rested his head against Venom's chest, letting tears roll down his cheek.

Venom held him, whispering comforting words to their host.

"It's okay, Eddie. We're here. You're safe. No harm will come to you."

Eddie cried into their shoulder. "I don't... I don't think I could live without you."

Venom ran their claws gently through his hair. They nuzzled against his head, soothing him.

"Do you usually have dreams like that, Eddie?"

"I... I haven't had a nightmare this vivid in a long time." His heart was still racing, though he was starting to calm down.

"We do not like nightmares." That comment earned a small laugh from Eddie.

"No one does, love."

"Can you make them stop?"

"I mean... we're not in one right now, are we?"

Venom hummed thoughtfully before licking Eddie's face.

"Eww! Venom!" he smiled, wiping the drool from his face.

"Knew that would cheer you up."

Eddie calmed down eventually, eyelids slowly closing as he soaked in the feeling of being held by his Other.

He fell asleep in Venom's embrace. Eddie's soft snores rumbled against their chest, causing them to smile.

They set him back down in his bed. They were about to slink back beneath his skin when Eddie grabbed their arm, holding it close to his chest and snuggling up against them.

"Don't go," he mumbled in his sleep.

"Not going anywhere, Eddie," they purred.

"I love you."

Venom smiled. "Love you too."


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