Part 1: Sucked In

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It was an average saturday for you. Well, at least, it started off like that. You slept in, made some brunch, and switched the TV over to Cartoon Network to catch up on the latest Gumball episodes. Your favourite character was Rob, and you must admit, you have a little crush on him.

You looked at your TV to find that there was a new episode out, but something about it seemed... off. You texted your friend to see if it seemed that weird on her TV too, but her one had a completely different episode showing. You shrugged it off, maybe your TV was behind hers and was showing a previous episode or something. As soon as you stop paying attention to it however, the TV switches to static, and you look around your room to find that all reflective surfaces have turned to static. You spin around in a panic and try to run out of the room, but you feel something invisible pulling you back to the TV. You struggle against the force, but it's too strong and it sucks you into the TV. You try to scream for help but no sound comes out, all you hear is the white noise coming from the static surrounding you.

Eventually, after what seems like forever, you land from the sky onto a footpath. Even though you fell from a great height, you're not injured at all. You look at your hands and realise that they're not your hands. They're paws. You scream and stand up, finally looking at the world around you. Your jaw drops as you realise where you are. You're inside of The Amazing World of Gumball. You quickly locate the nearest public bathroom which happens to be in the mall. You duck in and luckily nobody else is in there. You take a look in the mirror and see that you're a cartoonish version of your favourite animal.
"Oh no, I'm a furry," you say to yourself, utterly confused about this whole situation. "How did this happen?" You mutter, right as someone walks in. You quickly exit, not wanting to talk to anybody yet, staring back at the bathroom door as you walk away.
"Oof!" You bumped into someone.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sor-" you stop in the middle of your sentence as you realise who it was.

It's Rob.

(A/N: nothing against furries lol I am one myself, I just wanted that line to be there somewhere)

I know - TAWOG Rob X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now