is this real or fake you tell me (a godric fanfic)

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Hi my name is penny stackhouse, my older sister sookie is a waitress at merlotte's bar. Her and I can read each others mind it comes in handy to and her boyfriend bill is okay I like eric more so yeah oh and I have dark blonde hair and baby blue eyes and i'm sixteen years old and oh very short and it's summer time so no school and eric invited me to help save a 2000 year old vampire named godric I love his name it's so cool and I started to pack my black skinny jeans and I AM A MOSTER t'shirt and it's the engry drink can below the I AM A MOSTER words and everything also that's it.

"Sookie i'm done and let's go "I said

"Okay penny came here down please " her voice broke at the end I went down there and saw eric hugging sookie

"What happend?" I ask

"Bill is not coming he used us for the queen of england and I broke up with him" sookie said crying

" Eric come here for moment please?" I ask he came to me

"What penny?" he ask

"You can stay here with sookie just tell me everything you know and I will do it" I said

"Are you sure penny I know you hate flying alone?" he ask

"I will be fine i'm not that scared of it the flying back part will be different then I will need someone to be with me but that's it " I said

"Okay txt me when you get godric okay and maybe he will come with then after he sees how scared you are okay" eric said

" Okay bye eric " I said and grab my suitcase and I left.

****************************ONE HOUR LATER ON THE PLANE****************

i'm now at the airport and off the plane and eric told me to call this number I pull out my phone and and called it

" Hi this is isabel, is this penny?" she ask

"Why yes this is can you come and pick me up from the airport?" I ask

"Sure penny see you when I get there " she then hung up

huh she seems nice and cool I guess I wonder if godric is cool and stuff and then a limo pulled up and a lady got out i'm guessing isabel is this lady

"Hi you must be isabel i'm penny stackhouse " I said

"Nice to meet you penny eric said we could trust you very much this is my boyfriend hugo and he will help you " isabel said

"Nice to meet both of you "I said

"Well come on penny we got to go " isabel said and she got in the limo I got in as well and so did hugo and we drove to hotel carmilla.

I still wonder what godric will be like he typical vampire like the ones in the books that kill for fun or the good ones that are good or is he like eric cocky and sexy and act like he know's it or will he be like azule nice and comforting and so sweet and stuff and too soon we pull up to the hotel and we walk up to the desk.

'"A room for one under eric northman " I said

"Yes miss stackhouse heres your room key" the robot woman said

"Thank you "I said and left to my room and dress in a white button up dress and white flats

"Are you ready hugo"I said

"Yeah give me a moment" he said

so I took the time to look around the room nice flat screen tv and a king size bed and kitchen and bathroom to die for stuff.

"Come on penny sister " Hugo said we thought it will be cool if step brother and sister helping the rent's out and stuff.

Stepping into the Dallas heat reminded of home . reaching the car Hugo instanly turned the air on bringing some relief . The drive was pleasant enough until reaching the massive entrance to the Fellowship of the sun church . Wow truly vampire haters here . the beauty was ruined by the hatred . Swallowing hard as Hugo cocked a grin and said " Lets go get our sherriff " . Steve and Sarah Newlin met us on the steps of the church with the sickest smiles ever . " Welcome to The Fellowship of the Sun , Where the one true belief is Vampires should be erradicated" Spouted Steve newlin . Sarah just smiled and nodded as she reached for my hand , I felt a cold chill run down my neck . I could hear the the thoughts ..Godric was here! I start to focus in on Godric Oh my cookies the face was amazing . The eyes pentrated mine seeing my depths of my soul . his full red lips mouthed something to me . drawn back to Sarah " Come on sugar let me give you the tour royale and get you settled ". If only Hugo had known why Eric picked me for this ....Busted ! As we entered the my knees buckled from the smell of coppery blood that had been cleaned up but many sacrifices have taken place here . Now out of sight of new members Sarah's voice turned to acid "girl you picked the wrong people to play with "! My head started to spin senses off I felt Steve Newlin rubbing my back to friendly like , next I was on the floor . and I felt steve pick me up and take me to basement under the church and I look to see hugo making out with a bimbo what the I thought he loved isabel huh I found out betrayed us I focus on godric again this time I can hear him 'child you should not of come here I fear it's not safe for you wait till I wake up to fight if you get put in the same room with me we will plan a escape and just wait okay child' he thought ' Don't worry we will be fine isabel gave me her blood and if I need eric I can call for so don't worry ' I thought then I was set down I look up at steve and saw him giving me a lustful looks and eww gross I reach up and hit him where the sun don't shine and he cried out then he kick me in the ribs and I cried out and crawl away from him I look back to see him walking out

"Have fun fangbanger " steve said as he left

"I'm sixteen you idoit " I yelled at him

All the sudden Godric was in front of me and he walk over to me and pick me up the smell of vanilla had me wanting to snuggle more into him but I look up to his eyes and saw sadness I wonder why "What's wrong sherrif "I said "Are you really sixteen?" he ask "Yes oh and my name is penny" I said he seems nice but it could be act huh I guess I will have to look in his head I focus on him and this what he was thinking 'eric you are stupid and dumb and an idiot and whatever ' he thought "Hey eric cares about you plus I kinda owed him for a thing and that's all i'm saying but he's not stupid and all you thought but he's really sweet okay "I said"How did you read my mind sookie can't do that well that what eric told me but still how can you?" he ask me "I'm stonger than sookie but if we get out of here would you go home with me because i'm scared of riding home alone please " I begged and used the puppy dog look

"Fine if would you stop the look I will and why do you owe eric for what ?" he ask

"I ask him to buy maxi pads and tampons and girl stuff " I said with a smile Godric look like a he was about to bust out laughing by his expression

''Funny huh well I went with him without him knowing and he look embarrased and it was funny to " I said

"You know eric was a viking so must've been really funny" he said

"How are you so warm?"I ask he look shocked that I asked that

"I drink coffee and warm fluids and stuff " he said I snuggle deeper into him, he look shock but I look up at him again his eyes look happy all of sudden I had question to ask

"Why do you smell like vanilla and here I thought a sherrifs are suppose to smell manly?" I ask he looked more shock

"Ummmm that's weird but okay um it's my favorite smell why ?" he ask

"Because you smell like heaven and I might steal your shirt just for your smell "I said .

"Ummm okay " he said

"When will we get out of here ?"I ask

"Right now "He said and he used his vampire speed and we stop in front of jason and sarah making out

"Hey jason get the hell out of here now or I will tell sookie right now" I yelled at my big brother

"Penny why are you in a vampire arms right now?" jason ask

"Because I hit steve in where the sun don't shine "I said

"Oh okay let's get out of here bye " Jason said and Godric took off into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2013 ⏰

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is this real or fake you tell me (a godric fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now