you are afraid to go to the dentist (niall horan imagine)

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y/n = your name , y/m/n=your middle name

y/n.......where are you!? niall said searching for you every where and you are nowhere to be found come on,don't be like that! niall said...trying to argue with you to go to the dentist to get the braces on niall i am not going to that place...never in a million years you said showing up out of nowhere y/n first don't use the lyrics with me,second go and get dressed we are going to the dentist and you will get this (pointing to his braces) whether you like it or not niall said as the boys came up guys! whats wrong why are you arguing again!? harry said she dont want to go to the doctor niall said annoyed.. y/n your doctor appointment is with in 1 hour hurry up.....with liam adding i don't want to go you said crossing your arms like a kid but you have to... or your teeth will be broken and we will not understand a word zayn were lost in zayn words as you felt your self on niall shoulder niall let me down!! you yelled trying to leave niall but he smacked your bum leaving him and the boys laughing niall James horan you didn't do that!! you said ohhhh!! she used the middle name rule Louis said laughing as you smacked niall bum back do you like that?! you said sassily

y/n come on,go and get ready niall said you went to get ready to come back niall saw a tear on your face as he came to hug you and all the boys asking you whats wrong first i hate the dentist,second i will be more ugly third ii will be a i wear glasses and braces you said sadly as the boys laughing at your t-shirt y/n first no one likes to go to the dentist, second you will not be ugly and you never was ugly to be more,third i wear braces and i am also a geek so we will be two couple geeks niall said but niall you are the my cute kind of geek you said kissing him get a room! louis said you know what lets just get it already!!! you said as liam added good girl! so you gave him a death glare and by the way louis and liam you better watch out as they raised their hand in defence

you went to the dentist and got it on you put on a blue ones come on smile show it to us zayn said nope you said your hand in front of your mouth as you all argued ok fine fine you made a fake smile it doesnt look bad after all harry said thank you hazz but this will not remove the pain you said come on princess lets go home niall said laughing and carrying you bridal style niall what are you doing  you whispered i am taking care of you like you did to me when i was getting them on he said back i love you niall you said resting on his chest i love you too princess niall said hurt you for like the first 3 days but the boys took care of you and kept annoying you by they can eat all kind of food but you cant........but niall always telling you how beautiful you were.....

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