[Good Girl]

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Levi ❖ ❖ ❖

Throughout middle school, my cousin ______ had depended almost completely on me. No one seemed to be interested in becoming her friend so she just clung to me. We were inseparable, and as more of her attempts to become friends with her classmates were shot down, the more she relied on me. If anyone spoke to her, student or teacher, I had to be nearby to help her answer. When she was alone, she looked like a scared child who got separated from their mother.

In the first year, I had just let it be. She wasn't particularly bothering me in any way, she just kept quiet and close. I liked that about her. _______ knew when to give someone some quiet. We were a calm island surrounded by a sea of idiotic chatterboxes, and I preferred it that way.

As time went on, I couldn't help but fall for the little mouse. She wasn't related by blood to me, which gave me more of a reason to like her. Her parents were close family friends of my parents, and we had been raised near each other our entire lives.

Throughout our friendship, ______ gave me plenty of gifts, mostly books, but last Christmas she gave me a pocket knife. Though these gifts were appreciated,  I found myself wanting more from her. Soon, I found myself collecting pieces of her. Just a few insignificant things she would never notice was missing. A button that fell off her uniform shirt, a lock of hair from her bathroom brush. I became more daring, visiting her in her home, rummaging through her drawers when she wasn't looking, just so I could collect more pieces of her. I kept these small trinkets as tokens of our bond, our closeness.

When we entered high school, she remained at my side because she found everyone around her superficial and dull. This just added to her clinginess towards me. So we spent most of our lunches together in the library. We would go off into our own little world and spend the most beautiful time together in silence, or in quiet discussion. I found these thoughts consumed with when I would see her next when I would be able to be near her again.

I was secretly waiting for the new school year to start. I wanted to see how much closer ______ and I would become. I wanted to see her fall, and fail, just so she could come back to me with silent tears in her eyes.

I pulled my satchel higher on my shoulder and left the house before sunrise, walking over to ______'s home. She was waiting on the porch for me. It was still dark out so I couldn't see her very well but something was different about her. As she approached, I realized what was amiss.

Firstly, she dressed like she actually gave a damn about what people thought. Her hair was more put together and she wore a red v-neck and nice blue jeans. She smiled softly and said, "Morning!"

"You look like an idiot," I said, flicking her forehead.

She rubbed it but moved closer to me like I knew she would. She might be bathed and groomed, but she was still the same scared puppy.

"Do I really look that bad?" she asked, looking down at her outfit. I could hear the waver in her voice

"You look fine," I conceded, looking away. I could hear her grinning.

"That's good, I was going to try to make friends with some people this year..."

I shook my head, "You say this every year. It's not like you haven't tried, ______. What's the use of trying to be these idiots' friend anyway when they're just going to walk all over you?"

"Well, I was hoping not to rely on you this year Levi...." she said, making me slow down.


"You've been so awesome with supporting me when no one was there for me but I'm going to let you enjoy your high school life and I'm going to try to enjoy mine!" she said, smiling brightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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