Act 1. Scene 1

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    (Star Winston pushed open the door of her room running down the stairs happily. She got to the dinning table and met her dad already eating his breakfast she frowned) 

Star: Eating breakfast without me?

Mr Winston: Am sorry sweet heart, daddy was very hungry. Good morning sweetie

Star: (she sat down) Good morning. Dad(she held his hands and smiled).

Ben : Yes darling. Is anything troubling my baby girl.

Star: No dad not at all. I just wanna thank you for making my dream come true. I never for once thought u could buy me that thing I needed the most.

Ben : Cmon that's nothing. I would do anything for u. All I want from you now is to be the good girl you have always been. You know daddy is struggling to make ends meet.

Star: You should have known your daughter by now. I would always make you happy.

Ben : Your mom would be proud of you. Enough of the drama now finish your breakfast and get ready for school.

Star: Dad for the past one month we parked into the states.  I have been asking about what u do. But you won't tell me. I don't see anything bad in asking what my dad do for a living.

Ben: Okay your dad is working as a typist in a firm. Are you okay with that?

Star: Wow tell me you are not kidding dad. I would say we are lucky to have a typist. We were as poor as something else when we were still in the black belt. I heard its not easy for a black man to see a job in the states. Almost all the blacks I know around here are occupied with minor jobs maybe as a cleaner or something. Maybe we are lucky dad.

Ben: Well let's be grateful kiddo. Cmon its time for school.

Star: (stood up) Yah dad am just happy  that you could still send me to one of the popular schools around here.

Ben: I want the best for my baby. (He stood up) cmon give dad a hug. ( they hugged)

Star: Bye dad take care.( she stepped out)

Ben: You too honey.( his phone rang)  Ben Winston on line

Speaker: Hey Ben are u not coming to work today.

Ben: Am sorry who is on the line.

Speaker: Are you serious? Mr Bruce on line.

Ben: Oh!  Am so sorry sir.

Mr Bruce: I shouldn't have employed you at first. I told you that I would be out this morning by 8am sharp. Can u take a look at your time and tell me.

Ben: 9am am so sorry sir,  I would be on my way sir.

Mr Bruce: I want my car thoroughly washed and cleaned before 9:30. I hope you get that. Do me a favour and get your ass here right now.

Ben: Yes sir. I would be there right away.
( he quickly picked his jacket and left).




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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