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You stood out in the cold in front of a warehouse that the owner of the zoo hid from you. The warehouse was rundown, a person walking by would have thought it was abonded if not the tiger inside chuffing. The zoo's owner is getting arrested not even a hundred meters from you. The police look at you and continue talking in they're group. It wasn't a first time you busted a zoo as disgusting as this. You can't help, but look in his direction. His shouts attracting your attention. "You fucking whore how fucking dare you! I'm gonna kill you! This isn't the end of this, you're gonna regret this little girl! You have no idea what you started!"You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Looking back at the warehouse you can't help but walk to the door that ajar. You could hear the shout's of police officer's. „Get back Jackson! The panther is dangerous!" You could hear a officer shout. You were standing a few feet away from the warehouse. But a force knocked you onto you back. You look up and see a panther on top of you. You were shocked. It's eyes were black and it was looking at you with such hate it made you wince. While you were staring deeper in to the panther's eyes you failed to notice the officer that was standing behind you with a tranquilizar. When you finally noticed it was too late the dort had been shot. The panther's eyes widended and with a swift moment he bit down right into your shoulder. You cried out in pain. The panther was laying limply in your arms. It was promptly taken off you shaking body by officer's. Paramedics were right by your side. You tried to stand up, but with your shoulder it hurt like a bich. "Please, do not move your shoulder is injured" No shit sherlock you wanted to say it out loud but decided to keep it in.

-time skip- 30 min. later

While sitting in the ambulance vehicle you saw how the people from the sanctuary arrived. You were looking around for your friend, Jisoo. And you saw her, making her way up to you.
"Y/n! What happended to you, are you okay?! Oh god your shoulder is all bandeged up?! I was so worried when Rosè said that you got bit. I-"
You cut of her rambling "Jisoo, I'm fin-"She was the one to cut you off this time. " Fine?! Fine?! You got lbit by a wild fucking predator! You are not fine! You could have died!" You heard a choked sob come out of her lips. She tried not to cry, you could see her wanting to wipe away her eyes and not give in to the tears. You were never really good with emotions, but seeing your best friend bry really tugged at your heart strings. So without a word you pulled her into a hug. It hurt, yes. But you had a soft spot for Jisoo. She was just so innocent and so beautiful, all you wanted to do was shield her away from all the dangers of this world.
A wet feeling on your shoulder woke you up, out of your daydream. "Hey, Jisoo, why are you crying like this? I was the one bitten, I should be crying." You joked hoping to lighten the mood and it worked. She smiled. " 'Cause I care about you, silly." Your heart skipped a beat at that statement. Jisoo unwraped her arms around you. You immediatly felt cold and wanted her back and just when you wanted to say something. You got interuptted again. " Miss Y/n, I think you would wanna see this." A police officer came out of nowhere.It was a woman, she was pretty small for a police officer. But you could see a spark in her eyes. She was cute. "Yes, is it something concerning the animals?" she nodded. "We'll be waiting for you in the warehouse." Said the officer and walked off. But when she walked you couldn't but help watch her ass. God damn, she has a fine ass. She's probably straight tho " Hey, you going?" You were snapped out of your thoughts by Jisoo's voice. You nodded and walked off. Leaving Jisoo alone. You neard the warehouse, you walked more warrily. Not wanting to get jumped by a panther again. When you were closer to the entrence you could see that it was wide open not like last time, being ajar. You could see into the warehouse completely. It was dark with no light exept the light bulb that was swinging in the middle of the building from the wind. It was eary and quiet that was probably because it was so empty apart from the seven cages. Each side had one big cage, but in the very back of the warehouse there was a smaller cage. It was the smallest one. The officers were surounding it. You haven't moved and inch from the door just taking everything in. When you took a step forward you heavy boots make a squeaky noise. The walls shook with the growling, yipping and churping of the animals you haven't even noticed were in the cages to begin with. You thought It was only gonna be the panther and a tiger, but it seems not. The officers all turned around, motioned for you to come. You took a deep breath and walked to the officers, with slow steps. You wanted to memorize every detail. When you got closer to the cages on each side of the warehouse walls you gasped. In one of the cages was fox that was looking at you with intense, mysterious eyes, yet it's tail was swaying slightly. Then there was a wolf, if i thought that the foxes eyes were intense then i have no idea how to describe his. But you furrowed you brows when you saw a black blob of fur in front of the wolf. Like the blob could sence your eyes on him, he moved. The wolf was obiously not pleased, as he growled. The blob squeaked and tried running away. That's when you saw it. The ears, the bunny ears. You internally squealed, you loved bunnies. But you coudn't help but wonder how could they have left him alive? They were preditors amd he was the prey. The fox and the wolf looked starved but they did not look to be intending to eat the bunny anytime soon. Weird. You thought. Turning to the other cage you were met with a tiger and an...otter? You could see the panther that attacked you used to be in this cage due to the crowbar fixed in beetwen the door to the cage and the cage itself. The tiger was looking straight at me. The tiger was big, no huge. But you were not suprised when you find yourself looking into the tigers eyes. While looking deep into the tigers eyes you didn't see the otter coming closer to you. You finally broke eye contact with the preditor when the otter pulled at you jacket. The otter was creating some weird noises, and you couldn't help but chuckle. But you were confused. Why didn't they eat eachother? The tiger definetlly could eat the otter whole. The same with the fox and wolf. The wolf could have killed both the fox and the bunny.
You took the otters little hand and shook it. He squeaked happily. He was so happy, even in this situation. I motioned him to go back to the tiger that was still looking at me, his gaze not faltering one bit. I finally made my way to the back of the warehouse where all the officers were. "Miss, it seems we have found a injured brown bear, we have no way of getting him out.We are stuck, we have nothing else to do. We have tried everything." Exclaimed an officer." Have you tried giving it food?" I asked scepticly "No, we haven't. We don't have any." The police officer shook his head. "Oh then, I'll go grab some. I should have some in my truck. Is he in critical condition?" You asked to no one in particular. "Yes, it has an open wound on it's neck it is bleeding a lot.
It is starved as well, that's the reason why it can't heal, walk or make any kind of noise." You nodded. It sounded bad but you have seen and heard worse. "Right then, I should go get the meat. Could you go out, I'll try to feed it but I don't think he will. With with so many of you here."The pollice officers nodded and walked out. You stood up and walked behind them, you didn't wanna look in to the two big cages on each side. Yet you could feel the five pair of eyes, staring at you intently until you made your way out of the warehouse. You quicly grab your truck keys and take the meat out. You had ten big stake slices. They weight a lot but you made do. Closing your truck door and locking it. You made your way back to the entrence of the building with hands full of meat. You breathed heavilly walking to the cage at the back, finally being able to make it there you saw the animals all lined up exept for the bunny. They looked like they knew I was coming back with food. You smiled and grabbed two stake's and walked near the wolf and fox's cage. You extended you arm for the fox to take the stake, at the same time doing the same to the wolf. They grabbed the stake's quite harshly, but you coudn't blame them they looked starved. You ignored the way the bunny shivered, you'll deal with him later when you fed all the preditors. You turned around and was met with two pair of eyes begging you to feed them. You chuckled and did the same to the tiger and otter. You gave a biggest piece to the tiger and the smallest piece to the otter. Felling content watching the four preditors eat you turned to the bears cage, walked up to it and opened it. Because the officers said that the bear had no strengh you thought that it was safe to enter. What you didn't expect was to see a man laying in the cage and no bear around.

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