I didn' know

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Sorry I've never done Raph's accent before.

Raph learns how much his words and actions hurt Leo.

The day started out fairly normal, Leo was the first one of his brothers up, he went to the dojo to meditate per usual. Then was Mikey who got up and went and started on breakfast, by the time he was done, Leo had come out to help set up. Donnie came out of his lab tired as usual but seemed to at least sleep a little even if it's only because he fell asleep while working, Mikey handed him his coffee as he sat down. Raph like always was the last out and as he sat down to eat, Leo and Mikey did too, Leo with his usual cup of tea.

There was the occasional chit chat during breakfast, mostly from Mikey. Of course, it's not unusual for the days to start fairly peaceful. But they don't tend to stay that way. Not with Raph's short temper or Mikey's pranks that is. It wasn't long after breakfast that Mikey decided to prank Raph, which lead to Raph chasing Mikey like always.

Noticing this Leo tries to break it up, "Raph calm down, Mikey's just messing around, it's who he is." Raph turned his glare on his older brother, "Yea why don' ya try getting constantly pranked by this idiot!" Leo signaled for Mikey to just leave which he gladly escaped, not wanting to witness another argument between his oldest bros that they both knew was bound to happen. Raph who noticed Mikey fleeing snapped at him, "Hey idiot where ya think ya goin!" he tried to follow but Leo grabbed his arm, holding him back. "Raph leave him be."

And just like that, an argument was starting. Raph growled and turned back to Leo, "The shell ya want fearless!" Leo held his hands up in surrender, not wanting a fight but also knowing it would likely be useless, the fights have been more often and worse since Splinter went off on a spiritual journey a week ago. And Leo couldn't do anything to stop them, heck it's more one-sided where he just tries to calm Raph down most times. The hothead has been even more hot-blooded lately.

"Look Raph there's no reason to fight..." "Shut it fearless! Ya think your so much betta than all of us just cause ya were chosen ta be the leader! Your not special, no one cares 'bout your stupid orders! No one has actual respect for ya! Your just a leader for show! I refuse to follow anythin' you say! We don't need ya! Ya just get us in more trouble! Maybe you'll finally realize how unfit ya are ta be a leader when ya get one of us killed!" with that Raph stormed off.

Leo stood there completely still, he didn't know what to say, he didn't bother going after Raph or even denying anything he said, in fact, he just started believing more that he wasn't right for the position of leader and that he was a horrible big brother. He can't stop his team, his brothers from fighting. He gets in fights with them, he's lead them into dangerous situation after dangerous situation, and multiple times one of them get hurt. Raph was right, what if he got one of them killed, he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

And did they even need him, Donnie could lead them, he's a genius, and Raph is so strong he could keep his brothers safe, and Mikey keeps em together and helps lighten the mood, possibly even stopping them from going crazy, but him, what does he actually do, what does he add. Nothing, he orders them around and acts like he can do anything, tries to be a big brother but their not kids anymore they don't need him. Even still he would give his life to protect his brothers. He was expendable, even if he was gone his brothers would be fine, at least that's what he thought.

Leo finally stopped standing there and went to the dojo, hoping to meditate and get rid of these thoughts. He was there all day, he didn't even join his brothers for patrol, telling Donnie he didn't feel too well and for them to go without him but call if they ended up needing him. They never did, only having had a small quarrel.

Leo was never able to push his thoughts away and they only seemed to worsen when his brothers returned and Donnie reported before heading to bed, Mikey stopping in and saying night as well. Leo just felt even more sure his brothers didn't need him. And even before he realized it, silent tears were streaming down his face, he stayed in the dojo, trying to wait till the tears stopped before going to his room as well. He didn't get a chance though as Raph burst through the doors, Leo silently thankful his back was to the doors.

Leo x Raph I didn' knowWhere stories live. Discover now