Has 5 Little Chapters. The first edition of The 5th Grade Diaries

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The Fifth Grade Diaries #1 


Natalia - The girl who likes everyone

Bryan - The boy who is popular

Greg - A friend of Bryan

Maline - A Popular Girl but has a bad attitude

Dale - A girl who got bullied by Malines Friend

Mrs. Kate - A Teacher on 5th grade class

Kailyn - A friend of Maline


                                                                Chapter 1

                                                1st Day OF School Ever!


Bryan talked to Natalia hows her summer. Natalia said she was okay, while Maline and her friends is walking infront of Dale, Maline said that Hows your summer? :)?. But Dale just passed by. Then Maline whispered her friends that shes gonna make an trap for Dale. So she can have more scratches. When Bryan and his friends passed dale , Bryan asked what happend to you? and is Maline still bullying you? Dale said , no shes not bullying me anymore but i think she had a plan for me. Bryan said , okay we are gonna spy Maline's Freinds Okay?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            Chapter 2

                                                           Spy Master


While Bryan is starting to spy Maline's Friend Mrs Kate was worrying if whats going on in the class        Bryan said nothing. So Mrs Kate is now trying to Spy. Greg said , i think im worried. Because i think Mrs Kate will spy if whats happening in our class. Suddenly the bell rings *ringringring* While Bryan's class is waiting in the line Bryan heard Maline and Kailyn whispering and talking about Dale. And Bryan heard is that theyre gonna make a deadly trap , and especially Bryan heard that they are gonna put some expired grapes to Dale's bag so it will smell like a dead rat or something.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                         Chapter 3

                                                 The Fight  Begins!


While Dale is opening her bag she saw a expired grapes inside her bag. So she threw it away. After that she smelled the bad and it smells stink. the smell spreaded in the whole room. and theres a sticky paper on it and it said, Good Night DALE! -Maline & Friends Please Clean your bag :P He He~! while she saw it, Dale slapped Maline. Maline said WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!!, Maline pushed Dale in the ground. And Dale went to the Clinic because she got injured. Then the Nurse said whats happening? Dale said nothing... So the Nurse ignored her. Then when Dale's out Maline pushed her to the locker room and locked her in Dale's Locker. When Mrs Kate find out that theyre fighting and did not notice where Dale is everybody went to the office and said whats happening? The principal said wheres Dale?!. Maline? The principal said Yes principal? Maline said, Where is Dale?! The principal said Um. Um. Ummmmmmm.., TELL THE TRUTH OR YOUR GONNA BE DETENTION!! I LOCKED HER IN THE LOCKER ROOM! Maline said. Oh? Principal said. Do you know you cannot lock Students in Locker room? YOU ARE GONNA BE SUSPENDED! -Maline cried all the time till her parents picked up her.-


                                                                    Chapter 4

                                                                   Locker Finder


While the principal is trying to find the Locker , They heard something like Dale. And they saw Dale on her Locker. and shes crying all the time because she doesnt have any air inside and no food and dark. So the principal gave her a tons of food and the principal told her that Maline is already on detention. So Dale got happy when she heard it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                           Chapter 5

                                                     Good Bye Dale!


While Dale is moving school because her mom doesnt like it because she got bullied, She is going to a other school. So everybody said Bye Dale! 


                                                   By JhenaroBryan



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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