Chapter 1: the beginning

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Being in a headquarter of the most wanted organisation of earth, isn't really the best thing to do. Especially not after Captain America pissed them of. Yet here I am, walking around past the countless villians in the building. The air is thin, it makes you think that you can hardly breath. Well, what do you ecpect of a building that's almost 100 feet under ground?

Don't worry, I'm not a villian. At least I hope so. I was captured by hydra, sent here and kept prison here. Now they're using me as a slave. Why did they kidnapp me, you might think. Well, because I'm a danger to them so they think that if they lock me up here, and use me as a slave for the other prisoners, I will be no danger anymore. They're right. I've been here for almost five years now. I didn't even have a small change of getting out of here. Not even if I use my powers.

Yes, powers. You read it right.

Around twenty years ago my parents used me as an experiment. They wanted to remake the serum they used on Captain America. They thought that the serum was ready, everything would turn out as they wanted. So they thought. Yet it had gone wrong. So here I am, not knowing what powers I have nor how to use them. Still wondering why my parents did what they did. I would never find out though, they're kind of dead.

Hydra thought I was dangerous. For some sort of reason they thought I would, well, find my powers and use them against them. They couldn't have been more wrong.

Anyway, today is a normal day here in the prisons of Hydra. Yes a few weeks ago, the helicarriers where shut down and yes the head of hydra was killed as did most of the agents, but what can stop them? Cut of one head, two more shall take its place, Right?

Hydra was furious, project insight would have been their greatest succes. The world would have been theirs. Yet Captain America stopped them. You might think that Captain would be smart enough to stay low for a few days, but he didn't. He just walked on the streets of New York like: hey people, I just pissed off the most evil organisation in the world yet here I am searching for my best friend Bucky who wanted to kill me. Well I can tell you, that wasn't the greatest plan he had done. 8 days after project insight was taken down, he had been kidnapped by hydra. So here he is, in the building.

You might think, how the hell does a girl who's taking care of the prisoners know so much? Well I will tell you my secret: being a nurse and all will help you hear things from the prisoners. Or you could just listen to the normal hydra agent cursing and abusing a hero. Always helps. The only down side of that is that, well, you might get kind of pissed at the Hydra agent for knocking your favorite hero down.

Don't get me wrong, I love to help the hero. The only thing is, after a few year of doing this job you start to hate them. The agents here hate me because I take care of their enemies. That's also why I have been abused numerous times. The real me, the funny, confident, honest and nice girl is long gone. Hidden behind the large walls in my heart. I act like I don't care, like I don't feel anything. Everyone here does. It's the only way you will be able to survive.

"Adams, they need you in room 18. Right now." A hydra agent said, I think his name was Stefan. Not quite sure though.

I nodded and walked towards the room. Who have they beaten up this time? Maybe it's Captain? I haven't seen him yet. They say that he's here. Maybe they don't want him to cure?

After a long trip in the dark musty hallways I finally arrived at Room 118. The door was still open so the prisoner will be attached to a chair. Plleeaaase let it be Captain.

I stepped into the room and came face to face with a well build blond man. Nope, no shield, no stars. Dammit.

"Who are you?" He struggled to breath and talk. They sure gave him a hard time. He slowly tilted his head to look at me. His piercing blue eyes soon met mine.

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