Part One

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Unlike my other stories I am okay with adding to this one lol. It's still shit though. And short.

Emiline's POV

"Emiline! Where's my dress!" Screeches one of the nine year-olds. I hurriedly run to the laundry room and scan the racks for a bright pink dress that one of them loves and wants to wear every other day. The sequins on the dress glittering in the soft glow of the light giveaway it's location. I grab it and begin to run up the stairs without making a sound. After I climb the 27 stairs I see Caroline standing outside her door pouting in a way that makes her look like a dying sheep. She runs up and grabs the dress out of my hand, then leaves without saying a word. Better start of the Mistress and Misters breakfast along with the orphans. I'm only 15 but I've gotten used to it. I've lived here all my life and at age seven everything changed. With my albinism, I'm a target for bullies. They wanted a maid for the orphanage so they sent me to work around the house. It's three stories tall and in horrible shape, windows are cracking, mold in the attic, and brats live here and act like I'm their personal slave. The Mistress is quite demanding while her husband is always drunk. If I get something not perfect or incorrectly, the Mister loves to take me down to the basement. I have enough cuts to prove it. The burner starts and I carefully pour in the eggs. A sizzle emits from them as I scramble them. A dash of cheese is added once they finish cooking. The timer dings in the oven telling me the bacon is done and I slide the crispy meat out of the oven. I carefully plate each item and pour orange juice for the orphans. A cup of whisky with lemon and salt for the Mister and Mistress.

The plates are set down and everything is arranged where it needs to be when the kids clamor down the stairs. I back up into the corner head bowed and eyes looking at my feet.

"BRAID MY HAIR!" Shouts Ava as she yanks on my leg. I wince but oblige and weave her hair into a braid with a yellow sunflower hair at the bottom. She runs off as I regain my position. The clicking of heels with the sound of boots nearby come from the stairs as the Mistress and Mister emerge from the stairwell. As usual, the Mistress's face is caked in makeup and walking in shoes that make her six inches taller. She towers over my short 5 3' height. I tense in anticipation as they begin eating.

"Oh Emmy!" The Mistress squeaks.

"Yes Mistress?" I reply obediently.

"Where's my breakfast salad?" She says evilly. My heart seems to stop at those words. I forgot to make her salad, oh crap.

"I-I'll fix it quickly Mistress." I stutter then attempt to turn and quickly fix her salad. Unfortunately I am stopped by a strong tug on my large shirt. My face is yanked up and I see Mister with an evil smirk on his face.

"I think it's time for a trip down to the basement, don't you think?" He snarls, spit flying on my face. He roughly grabs my arm and starts to pull me to the stairwell. About ten steps from the bottom, he lets go and I go tumbling down the stairs. I groan at the bottom but I'm only yanked up and punched in the face. That's going to bruise. He repeatedly kicks me in the leg till I crumple to the ground. He misjudges one of his kicks and hits me in the face with his shoe. I see stars then loose conscience.

I wake up with voices around the house. I take no notice as I begin to gobble up the stairs. My left leg is definitely fractured or broken as I feel the pain go up my leg each step I take. My attempts are fruitless as I try to keep the weight off my leg and I somehow reach the top of the stairs. The door slowly creaked open as I move to kitchen. It is probably about midday so I better get started on lunch. As I walk in I am met with six unfamiliar faces who are talking to Mister and Mistress. I begin to backup when a large intake of breath can be heard. A girl is staring at me and soon her friends turn and follow her gaze. Their faces become one of shocks as they look at me. Mister and Mistress see me and begin yelling at me.


"You go back down right now and pray I don't kill you." I gulp and shuffle out of the room. As my hand touches the cool metal of the door an electric shock goes through my body. Not pleasurable but of pure pain. My body crumples but does not hit the ground. Someone hoists me up and pulls me up at an awkward angle. My eyes open in surprise as I see a blurry figure bolt out of the house. My neck is bent at an awkward angle so I rotate it to see a man with brown hair. My body jumps and tears streamed down my face from the pain. I shit my eyes and clench them tight as yells erupt all around. My head throbs as I seem to be thrown inside a soft chair thing.

"DRIVE!" Yells someone and everyone lurches forward. Soon I fall into a dark abyss. After awhile I open my eyes and relax a little. Everyone has eyes that seem to be foggy and not human. They slowly return to normal colors as I try to sit up. Pain shoots through my body as I wince and slowly lower myself back down.

"I wonder if the kids awake."

"Probably not, she looks like she took a real beating."

"Who knew the Luna's vision of a girl in an orphanage could be so straightforward."

"Yeah, it's like the Moon Goddess wanted us to find her quickly." Who's that? A sudden ringing goes through my skull. My hands clutch my head as it seems to get louder. This blocks out all the pain as a loud cry escapes my mouth. I sit up and clutch my head while tears flow down my face. Someone touches my arm as a metallic taste fills my mouth, blood. My eyes begin to burn and I soon realize the blood is coming from my eyes. The throbbing slowly fades away as I lay exhausted on the soft material. My vision returns and I see two extremely confused set of eyes looking down at me. One figure raises their hand and I stiffen for a blow. When one doesn't come I reopen my eyes.

"Okay, we are going to transport you to the infirmary. We are not trying to hurt you." I remain cautious as they slide me out of the car. I try to stand on one leg but it gives and I hit my head on the ground. Which causes the darkness to take over my vision once again.

"I think she's waking up." Yells someone and I wince at their voice. Wait, where am I?! My limbs thrash as my eyes shoot open. Everything hurts but I push through the pain. Once my eyes adjust to the bringer light, to shoot off the bed but crash back to the ground with a painful thump. I lay on the floor and clutch my forehead where another painful bruise will be, I know. I attempt to move towards the door but what seems to be a chain restricts my movement, I can only go a couple feet away from the bed.

That's all I have right now and will add to it if asked.

Word Count:1305

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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