Chanbaek (angst/bit o fluff)

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     Baekhyun heaved heavily with his hands on his knees after hours of learning and perfecting a choreography. EXO was finally preparing for a comeback after months off, and maybe it was the break, but this particular dance seemed harder to learn than others.

     "Okay, that's enough for today, I don't want to completely burn you out." their choreographer, Kasper, finally dismissed them to return to the dorms. Baekhyun stood up straight and wiped the hair plastered to his face in sweat out of his eyes. As he looked around to see who was still here, he saw Kasper talking to Chanyeol near the corner. Chanyeol's face seemed glum, so Baekhyun listened in.

     "I know you tend to learn a bit slower than the others," Kasper rested his hand on Chanyeol's shoulder, "I think that if you want to be able to keep up tomorrow, you should stay and practice a while longer." Chanyeol nodded slightly and Kasper gave his shoulder a pat to reassure him before he left the practice room. Chanyeol sighed and sat down with his head hanging low in his hands. It hurt Baekhyun to see him like this and he wanted to just go over tell and him that he was fine and should go home and rest, but honestly, Baekhyun had also noticed Chanyeol lagging behind the others. Baekhyun walked over and sat down next to Chanyeol and place his arm around his shoulder.

     "Channie?" Baekhyun spoke softly, trying to console him, "Are you alright?" Chanyeol lifted his head to meet Baekhyun's eyes, his own beginning to well up with tears.

     "H-Hyung... I'm sorry," Chanyeol collapsed into Baekhyun's arms releasing his sobs, "I keep holding everyone back. No matter how hard I work at it I never seem to progress. And I just, I-" Mid sob Chanyeol stopped suddenly, realizing their positions. He had his head curled up against Baekhyun's chest while his hyung gently stroked the back of his head to comfort him. He felt warm and safe, but Chanyeol felt bad crying all over his hyung. Chanyeol stood up quickly and turned away from Baekhyun, adjusting his snapback in the mirror to make it seem natural. Baekhyun couldn't help but smile at how adorable flustered Chanyeol was, "S-sorry.." Chanyeol said feeling guilty for burdening Baekhyun with his own problems. Baekhyun stood up and wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's waist. This just made Chanyeol squirm more, but Baekhyun absolutely loved it.

     Baekhyun stood on his tiptoes to rest his head on freakishly tall Chanyeol's shoulders and looked at Chanyeol in the mirror, "Channieee ~," Baekhyun pouted his lips out slightly, "You know you can come to hyung for any problems right? No matter what it is, I'll help you through it no matter the time it'll take." Chanyeol finally smiled for the first time in this whole encounter and Baekhyun felt his heart beat faster looking at his perfect smile, "So if learning this new choreography is the problem right now, then I'll stay here with you to help you learn it until you're better than Kai." Chanyeol finally pulled out of the back hug to face him, leaving Baekhyun feeling cold.

     "You should really rest though Baekhyun-hyung. I shouldn't have to rely on you for all my problems," Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground. He really wanted Baekhyun to stay with him, but Baekhyun's health and rest were way more important than that, "So please, go back to the dorm and rest with the others..." Baekhyun smugged slightly and walked over to reset the music track.

     "Wow Chanyeol, you really don't know me well if you think that's all it takes for me to abandon you," Chanyeol's heart warmed at Baekhyun's words and a small grin appeared on his face, "Also what's the point in me being a hyung if you don't rely on me?"

----------A few hours later----------

     Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol laid on the floor about to pass out, "Well, I'd say you definitely caught up with the rest of us," Baekhyun chuckled slightly, "You're probably even ahead of everyone now, except me of course." Baekhyun turned his head to look at Chanyeol laying on the floor. Chanyeol looked gorgeous even drenched in sweat, and his heaving breaths couldn't help but draw Baekhyun to stare at his lips. Baekhyun really wanted to kiss him but had no clue how Chanyeol would react. Chanyeol was barely conscious and wanted to fall asleep right there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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