Ch 17

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Mimi woke up .

She look around.

"Oh yeah I am at William's place man this is weird not hearing Anna bitching and not see Sam or Fuegoleon I really miss him so much ." She thought to herself.

Mimi got up and got dressed for the day  and she went out her room .

"Good morning Mimi " Mimosas said to her .

Mimi look at her .

"What's good about I lost the man that I actually love it not like he dead but he hurt because I didn't tell that secret until the end of it all." Mimi though to herself.

"Yeah good morning guys ." She said to Mimosa and Klaus.
"Yes it is a good morning we have a few things to do and you can tag along if you want to ." Klaus said to Mimi.

Willam walks in on them .

"Hello Klaus and Mimosas and I cant forget our newest member Mimi ."Willam said to them .
"Hello captain."They all said to him .
"Ah Mimi you are going come with me to see your captain ?" Willam ask her .
  "Yes I would." She said to him .

"Hmm..I wonder what happened to Mimi captain?" Klaus thought to himself.

Willam and Mimi went to see Fuegoleon.

They got to the place .

"Hello there captain Willam and Mimi !" Owen said to them .
"Hello how are you today ?" Willam ask him .
"Not to bad what you and I bet you all are here to see Fuegoleon?" He ask them .
"Yes we and I am great ." Willam said to him .
"Aright well just come back here ." He's said to them .

They walk back to Fuegoleon's room .

Owen open the door to the room .

"Here we guys go ahead in there ." Owen said to them .
"Thank you Owen ." Willam said to him .

Owen just smiled.

Willam and Mimi went in .

"I can't believe he just laying there and if I told he would be still stand and being bossy and his arm will stay be on I don't think I can handle this it hurts watching him there and there nothing I can do ." Mimi though to herself.

Willam went over to Fuegoleon and put his hand on Fuegoleon's hand and was talking to him in a low gentle voice .

Mimi stand in the back then she crying and went out of the room.

"Fuegoleon I brought Mimi to see and I am so sorry for what happened to you ." Willam said to him .

Willam look around for Mimi and then he continued talking to Fuegoleon.

In the hallway.

Yami is walking down and Mimi is sitting on the ground crying.

Yami look at her and Pat her head .

"Hey kid is that bad ?" He ask her .
"No it just it my fault I can't get over that ." Mimi said him .

Yami dit down next to and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Hey now Mimi it's not your fault it that dead looking man fault he the one cute off Fuegoleon's arm not you , and just because you didn't tell us what you got told doesn't mean it could stop it , don't be so hard on yourself." He told her.
"Really Yami I mean now I am staying with Willam now ." She said to him .
"Oh well if you need to talk to anyone I will be here to listen to you and I pretty sure Fuegoleon sister will be the same ." He said to her .
    "Ok thank you ." She said to him .
"Ok kid time to see old Fuegoleon."He said to her .
"Ok sire ." She said to him .

They both went in there .

Yami went up to Fuegoleon and talk to William and Mimi stands in the back .

"Kid come on up here and see him he not going bit your arm off ." Yami said to Mimi.
"Ok ." She said to him.

Mimi went up to the bed by Fuegoleon and look at him .

"See I told you he not going to bite." Yami said to Mimi.
"Yeah ." She said to him .

Mimi look at Fuegoleon with tears in her eyes .


Willam look at her .

"You know Mimi he might be in a deep sleep but I can bet you he still can hear so why don't you talk me and Yami will leave you alone in here with him ." He said to her .
"Ok captain." She said to him .

Yami and William walk out of the room .

Mimi went over to Fuegolen and look at her with tears in his eyes.

"I am so sorry this shouldn't happen to you it should of told what he told me and I wish your arm didn't get cut off ." She said to him .

Mimi got down by the bed she leans on Fuegoleon  chest  to listen to his heart beat.

"Mmm...he still has it just a little weak but I happy he alive I hope he gets better." She thought to herself.

Mimi sit by his bed and crying out herself.

"Well kid I leaving I see you around." Yami said to Mimi.

Yami told Mimi though the door.

Willam went in with Mimi and found her crying.

Willam sit next to her and put his arm her shoulder and pull her closer to him.

"Mimi it's ok I know how you feel and also I completely understand you , I want to help you and I want you not to bet you self up for what happened., you had no idea that this will happen . Mimi let me help you I can make this so much easier on you we can take the pain of this together." Willam said to her .
"Really captain?" She said to him .
"Yes you just got to trust me and talk to me ." He said to her .

"Trust that is something I will never learn how to trust someone between this and what happen in the past I can't trust anyone, I don't even know if I can learn how to ." Mimi though to herself.

Willam look at Mimi face and wipe off the tears.

"Mimi I know you trust issues but I can help you get over that ." He said to her.

"Really?" She ask him .
"Yes Mimi." He said to her .
"Ok then I want your help ." She said to him.
"Aright we go back to our places we can talk there." He said to her .

They both left and went back to headquarters.

End of ch.17

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