It's not stalking!

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In UA high school there was a girl, Her name was Reiko 'Emily' Yanagi she was in 1-B, She was often described as emotionless but she couldn't help that, People often found her creepy because of her emotionless self and also because of her quirk.

(Poltergeist-- her quirk allows her to move objects towards her with nothing but her mind, however, she can only carry about one person's weight)   

Because of her appearance and quirk plus her lack of emotions people often made fun of her by calling her a ghost, because of that, she's become a bit more cautious than most kids her age.

But today something strange has happened she was just making her way out of  Ectoplasm Math class, but on her way out, she accidentally bumped into someone which in turn made her drop all of her stuff.

  "watch it extra"

"Excuse me"

As she was about to pick up the many books she dropped a hand got to them before hers.

"sorry about bakugo he's pissed about something"

She looked towards the voice and found a brunette smiling sweetly towards her

After they picked up the books they ended up in a conversation, she learned the girl was Ochaco Uraraka, she was in 1-A, she was going to meet up with two of her friends  Tenya Iida and Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya for lunch which in turn she got invited to

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After they picked up the books they ended up in a conversation, she learned the girl was Ochaco Uraraka, she was in 1-A, she was going to meet up with two of her friends  Tenya Iida and Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya for lunch which in turn she got invited to.

-Reiko's POV-

'Should i go? i've only known her for a few minutes...but she seems nice...maybe i shouldn't...but if her friends are as nice as she says then...then maybe i could get more friends'

"Uraraka if it wouldn't be to much trouble I would be honoured to join you and your friend to lunch"

"Great! it's gonna be fun Yanagi"

After i put my books etc in my locker we made our way to the cafeteria and got our lunch then left towards the table where i met both lida and Midoriya, they were nice, however, i had an odd feeling about Midoriya...but i ignored the feeling.

We promised to meet again later, but i still couldn't shake off that strange feeling that i had around Midoriya...i'll have to investigate this further.

-Saturday, 7th April-

Rekio followed him all throughout the day, from when he left the dorms, to when he trained to when he went out, which she is currently doing.

At this moment Izuku was helping this lost boy find his mum when she saw him do this she couldn't help but feel inspired when people walked past the boy even when pros walked past he stopped to help, it made the feeling go even more haywire then before however, she slipped up because he noticed her.

"Reiko, good to see you could you help me find this boys mother?"

"of course"

They eventually found the boys mother, they then decided to go get lunch together this made the feeling go even crazier, they talked and even joked and for the first time ever she found he's jokes generally funny, she found him generally him funny, she didn't know why he made her feel like this it's never happened before he made her feel...something...she must investigate further.      

-Wednesday 11th April-

Today Reiko found out izukus favourite hero was All-Might, for some reason she did as much research on All-Might as she could for some reason she thinks it will impress him...but why would she want to impress him? that was the question that was on her mind during her stalk- i mean investigation.

Because of all the All-Might research, she managed to talk to izuku about it she for some reason she found his face very delightful at this moment enough to want to rub his cheek...she needs to investigate more. 

-Friday 13th April-

Today izuku and Reiko went to the mall, at one point he mistook her drink for his when he had a sip she felt her cheeks go red she felt...embarrassed...interesting she must experiment with it further.

To experiment a little further she grasped his hand and too much of their embarrassment.

Interesting she felt embarrassed that was new...but only around izuku...odd, but even odder was that when she was holding his hands she felt calm...really calm she odd.

She had yet to notice the broken izuku next to her.

-Monday 16th April-

Today Reiko decided to ask the smartest person she knew Kendo.

"well Reiko, when you feel embarrassed around then but also calm that means you might have a crush on that person"

"Hmm, a crush...are you positive?"

"100% Reiko whoever your talking about has a crush on that other person"

"so i have a crush...interesting"

the surrounding people froze...

Setsuna Tokage was very interested

-Wednesday 18th April-

Setsuna has been stalk- i mean investigating Reiko for the past few days, Aka shes seen her 'investigate' izuku these past days so as the very good friend she is she wanted to help in her love life...but first she must talk to Reiko

"Rekio i know who you have a crush on"

"may i ask how Setsuna?"

"welll i've seen you stalk him for the past few days"

"I'm not stalking him just...investigating him...stalking him is going few he's room and sniffing all his underwear"

"riiiight! anyhow i want to help you hook up with him"

"how so?"

"ok here's the plan"

(ohhhh damn it's a cliffhanger.

whats the plan?

why isn't there fanart of Reiko?

how does Uraraka feel about all of this?

is she gonna be horrible in this fanfic as well?

3/4 of those questions will be answered next time...whenever that will be

whenever i want to i suppose

Also, why'd i procrastinate in the middle of writing like geez why 

Also, in case your wondering Rekios hero name is Emily thats why its mentioned at the start)

~Feedback would be nice~

P.S do you think i made Reiko develop feeling to quickly or nahh



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