The saviour

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Draco tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Bruises, cuts and blood were covering his body. A direct blow to his nose, and he felt tears, unwillingly, well up in his eyes. He had just gone out to go to Harry and ask him about a problem in charms, when his bullies had caught him midway.

The moon was standing high and proudly in contrast to the dark mysterious sky filled with tiny little sparks of hope, called stars. The moon was barely lightening the walls, in the once destroyed and now rebuild Hogwarts corridors.

After that first hit out of nowhere, all he could hear was the soft buzzing in his ears, which made him feel like he was drowning, and his blurry vision did not help at all. The hollow and mocking laughter of his enemies, seemed to devour his soul and his very being, slowly but steady ripping him apart.

His eyes were still closed, but even behind his shut eyelids, the pictures won't leave. Devilish grins and red sharp eyes, following every and each step, every action every little sigh and inhale of air. He felt like he wasn't drowning anymore, he felt like he had drowned years ago.

He reopened his eyes and slowly, reached up and touched his nose with a sigh. The ugly red colour of blood painted his fingertips and he felt his head spin around. He tried backing up from the laughter, from the mocking but he couldn't. Behind him was the wall, painted in soft silver shades, and in front of him the bullies with their wands out ready to cast a spell.

Had he really done such bad things? When they are capable of doing these things, then why we're they better then him?
Questions were haunting him day after day, week after week, month after month.

Draco looked up at the boys and opened his mouth to say something, anything! Just to stop this insanity. However before he could even use his voice, he felt hands grip his shoulders and the bullies knee made contact with his stomache, rather harshly.

Draco's body instantly shot forward and his slim arms wrapped around himself while he coughed blood out with a whimper. He fell down onto his knees and squeezed his eyes shut trying to ignore the pain and stand up again. Another whimper left his bleeding lip and he opened his eyes blinking a few times, just to see the tears drip down onto the floor, one after another.He coughed once again and saw, with horror the blood paint the floor now mixing in with his salty tears.

He had been used, broken and the tossed away like the broken thing he truly was. The once proud, and wonderful silver shimmer in his intelligent eyes had left a long time ago and so had his will to live another day.

He would have ended this pain with a single blow out of the tip of his wand years ago, if there hadn't been the one and only person still believing in him.


Draco will never understand why the boy did what he did. Was it his nature, to save others? Or was it an act of kindness? Wanted he to play the hero once again? Draco did not know, but he was in deep depth because of that. He would never forget the day Harry came to him and stretched his hand out with the words.

Potter, my name is Harry Potter, and yours?

Draco at first had thought he was mocking him, but after the soft green eyes fixed into his cold grey ones and the small smile played around the corner of his lip. That was the moment he finally understood, Harry was giving him a second chance, and Draco had accepted it with a wide smile.

There was another thing that Draco was always asking himself, everytime when Draco was being bullied or hurt, he had to think of Harry's proud smile when he mastered a spell and charms as an example or Harry's gentle smile and hug when he had told him everything about his side of the war, Harry's green vibrant eyes whenever he was concentrating and trying to master a potion that Draco had showed him, or the way Harry's eyes lit up when Draco laughed quietly and tried to muffle it with his hands, which only made Harry want to hear it more.

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