1 - broken ankle

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promt: you break your ankle during P.E and Noen helps you to the nurse. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I was laying on the grass with my best friend Marilyn, throwing a soccer ball up in the air and catching it before it hit my face. Sadly my reflexes weren't that great, nor were my concentration skills. So all it took for the ball to hit me smack in the face was my teacher calling me out on the field again.

I stood up giving Marilyn a high-five for good luck, knowing that I'd be sure to need it. For some reason flying balls really seemed to love my face. I was a ball magnet, in all the wrong ways.

As I got out on the field I was immediately passed the ball, and being the madman I am I took off towards the goal. Now, I'm not the best soccer player in the world. But I'm better than my dad and that counts for something. I was able to dribble past a few less skilled people. Not counting the ones that weren't following the game at all and were just standing around gossiping. Like teens do.

As I was getting closer to the goal I was also getting closer to the death. At least that's what it felt like. I really need to work out more, my stamina was basically non existent at this point. Completely replaced by Cheetos and Fanta. I had kinda lost track of what I was doing, so I do blame myself a bit for the pain that would now come upon me.

Suddenly something long and thicc came in between my foot and the ball. A leg!  And not just any leg, a very hard leg. Okay maybe not, it was probably just the ground that I landed on that was hard. Not to mention finding a will to live as I felt my ankle being bent in ways unimaginable to the human mind.

''Oh my Jesus Christ that hurts!'' I yelled as I grabbed my ankle carefully, checking how much I could move it before it hurt. Let's just say that it wasn't much.

''Oh shit... Are you okay?'' Someone asked as they grabbed my ankle and looked at it with a worried face. I looked up at him, his hair being easily recognizable. He was one of the few guys in this school that had the guts to color their hair. I didn't know his name, even though we've interacted a few times, but only through friends. Now I felt stupid for not asking about it earlier.

The sound of a whistle being blown echoed through my ears and soon the P.E teacher was crouching down next to us. ''Miss Y/L/N, are you alright? Do we need someone to escort you to the nurse?'' she asked as she also grabbed my ankle. Now keep in mind, I was still grabbing it too, and so was pink haired boy. So we all just kinda sat there in silence holding hands.

''Uh.. I don't know. I'm not sure if I can sta-''

''I'll take her, it's my fault anyways.'' He said suddenly as he stood up and reached his hand down towards me. Without hesitation I took it. I'm not gonna say no to holding hands with a cute guy, like duh. Now, for some reason, I had actually forgotten the fact that I'm heavy. Which is a once in a lifetime thing because it's on my mind all the time otherwise. So he ended up struggling slightly when he tried to pull me up, but after a little too long for my liking he did succeed. At both pulling me to my feet and making everyone on the field stare at us.

He put my arm around his shoulders carefully and his around my waist and started leading me towards the school building. Seemingly unaffected by the stares we were receiving. Except for the fact that his face was getting more and more red by each step we took. I took a quick glance at Marilyn. Which was a bad idea because now my face was completely flushed as well. Remind me why friends always seem to feel the need to completely embarrass you in every way possible? Actually you don't have to remind me. If I was her right now I would also be blowing kisses at me and mouthing ''Use protection babe!''

''Sorry about your ankle..'' he mumbled as he held the door open for me. ''Uh? Oh, it's nothing. I'm sure it's fine.''  I mumbled back, feeling just as awkward as he probably felt. But really, I'm not the one to blame! I'm just not used to being in contact with a guy for this long. The last boyfriend I had was when I was 11, and we barely held hands. Don't judge, it was after that the social anxiety started kicking in.

He chuckled, bringing me back to reality and away from my self deprecating thoughts. ''If you're sure it's fine then why are you just letting me drag you to the nurse?'' I rolled my eyes playfully. I know he was just trying to make small talk but really, my witty responses take over sometimes. ''Maybe I just want to feel your body up close to mine.'' No..nonono that was not witty that was overly sexual. And as soon as that left my mouth all I wanted to do was run. But for various (only one really) reasons, I physically could not. Now I had only two options. 1 - Play dead or 2 - Roll with it. I couldn't choose so I just went with a little bit of both. ''W-what?'' He stopped walking and looked at me with a, very red, confused face. We were literally standing right outside the nurse's office. C'mon! So close yet so far away.. ''Uhh.. uH.. I think I'm about to have a heart attack..'' that's the playing dead part ''Look out pretty boy or I might fall on you and crush you.'' and that's my attempt at rolling with it.

But instead of falling on him and playing dead, I made the strategic step of falling towards the door to the nurse's office instead. Slamming it open with the shear force of my body (and pushing down the door handle). Now that's what I call a dramatic entrance.

Long story short. The nurse did not appreciate being scared like that. And pink boy did not stop staring at me while the nurse was talking about my ankle, which made it a little hard to focus. But I'm pretty sure it was sprained, considering she put a few gallons of ointment and 50 pounds of bandage on it. She also told me to not put too much pressure on it, and then immediately sent me out of there. So I had no other choice but to lean on my pink boy again. And now I really would have to ask for his name because calling him pink boy was becoming extremely annoying.

''Okay so I know this seems odd, considering what I said to you earlier. But I haven't really caught your name yet..'' This time he laughed out loud while I just kinda awkwardly chuckled as I felt my self confidence shatter. ''This is great. I was over here planning on asking you if you wanted to hang out sometime and you don't even know my name?'' he looked at me and grinned, thankfully not seeming offended. ''I'm sorry..'' I mumbled shyly. Then my brain went on complete overdrive when I realized what he had just said ''Wait what? Me and you? Hanging out?'' He looked down at his converse, awkwardly shuffling around as we had stopped walking. ''I mean if you don't want to it's fine. I was just thi-''  I reached up and put my hand over his mouth. I really need to stop doing whatever first comes to mind. I quickly removed my hand and we both blushed. ''No uh.. That would be.. uh.. great. Yeah, great. Lovely actually. Some would even say splendid.'' This time he put his hand over my mouth. And it took every ounce of my willpower not to lick it like you would do when you were younger if your sibling put their hand over your mouth. ''It's settled then.'' he smiled.

I smiled too but he couldn't see that since he wouldn't remove his goddamn hand.


word count: 1397

was this bad? was this bad? yes it was. okay but like it's 4 am let me sleep-

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