"Lindsey!!! Wake up!!! Please Lindsey!!!" yelled Hailey while tears rolled down her face. "Sweety, its okay, don't worry." said Mom. Lindsey heard that conversation, but couldn't open her eyes. Lindsey was freaking out, and wanted to scream but no sound came out. All of a sudden she saw herself, but how was that possible. She tried screaming again, it worked! No one responded, she tried again. This time screaming for her mom. Now everything went black. Lindsey opened her eyes this time looking at a white ceiling. "Mom!!!!!" yelled Lindsey. "Lindsey, we're right here, it's okay." said Mom while firmly gripping her hand. "Lindsey, I love you!" said Hailey squeezing Lindsey. Lindsey was in shock, and started crying. Not like crying but scream crying. Then Lindsey couldn't speak her throat hurt so much. Mom got a cup of warm hot chocolate from Starbucks, And then Lindsey's throat felt better. As one more day of pain went by she got her white blood cell results back. They were low, really low. Lindsay still went back to school but she had to go on medication by next week. All her friends were told by Linsey herself. They all cried really hard they would never be the same again. Lindsay have a Leukemia and there is nothing to stop it. The doctors still try all the medications, But then the hospital will turn into her home and she will never leave because of how strong the medications are she may not leave hospital property.